
Or just talk about Premier League soccer. If you want your family members to avoid you during the holidays, this works pretty well. Nobody wants to talk about premier league soccer. Also, if you can’t come up with coherent points as to why you don’t like Trump, maybe stop involving yourself politically. Anyone who

Alternatively, it could be that there is safety in numbers. That’s what has spawned a series of these allegations.

I mean pretty much ever small business in the country doesn’t have an HR department because it doesn’t make sense to have one.

These people don’t believe women, though. They just say they do.

I’d imagine it for the same reason half of the commenters decided to support him yesterday, he’s on their team. Additionally, because they aren’t smart enough to learn from Dunham’s shellacking.

Now this is the type of revolutionary who puts all his former comrades against the wall to seize power. Or alternatively, the type of guy who shoots up his work because he can’t square his feeling of superiority with his inability to do anything worthwhile.

Sure, lots of people can carry a gun, but a leftist revolution in the US would only result in lots of dead leftists. That or the left needs to rethink guns.

That is still the accurate distillation of Manson’s plan.

You are right. All the less reason for them to be politically motivated.

Your fallacious statement assumes you understand my principles. Clearly you don’t.

I like to add that usually the revolution ends up murdering a lot of people. Lots of those people were revolutionaries. The revolutionary fan boys don’t understand that they are Trotsky in pretty much any scenario.

I am arguing in good faith. When people pretend they have principles, it is good to hold them to their principles.

Why? It isn’t white people who called for her head when she spoke about diversity of thought. It is writers at outlets like The Root.

My comment history doesn’t unassault these women nor does it change people’s listen and believe (unless they are conservative) takes.

The issue comes when you realize half of the team has no principles (assuming this comment section is representative).

Whose plausible deniabilty?

Is that from “Rules for Radicals”?

I know your comment history, that’s why I made the point of not being able to go into a time machine and get back to the point where you view accusations with some deference. I honestly don’t believe you’d give Pence the same deference, but I don’t think you believe it either.

Yes, I can, but you could literally use your facile argument for Roy Moore or Trump’s allegations as well. I mean during a presidential/senate race is pretty specific timing as well. It doesn’t make me think those women are lying.

I do. You have DNC officials go to each person. Ask them what could come up. Explain that if they are lying, they’ll find someone else and primary them out of the race before it even gets to the generals. Explaining that you’ll cut off the money hose shouldn’t hurt.