
Don’t you know, only good democrats can be sexually assaulted. Those Christians aren’t real women. /s

Only if they’ve assaulted someone, which you could ask in the vetting process I mentioned.

Do you have a lot of reps from red states who have also assaulted people?

Or alternatively, these people are telling the truth and you are the conspiracy theorist. Obviously that can’t be the case because our team is the good one!

No, the move is to slowly start resigning for family issues to get ahead of it. Especially if your state is blue and the governor gets to set the replacement.

Are you actually pretending this is a uniquely GOP move?

You could say that about every subsequent allegation after an initial one. Were victims 2-91 just trying to keep Weinstein in the news? Or did they actually get assaulted?

If I was the type of person to grope strangers, I’d remember that I’m that type of person and step down. It would involve politicians being honest about the type of people they are.

Only if you want to be a terrible hypocrite who only believes the correct type of victim. Or alternatively, have been someone who has always been circumspect when nobody goes to the police. Those are basically your only options and you can’t go back in history to be option two.

Yeah, #metoo, a liberal women’s movement is the GOP’s fault. Please come gather me off the floor. I fell off my chair laughing.

Hell, they don’t even need to disclose to fix the problem for the Dems, they just need to not run those people again. Privately vet them and if anything comes up, run someone else.

What is a victim supposed to look like scumbag?

Yeah because photo evidence = witch hunt.

Yeah, who would have thought that coming out as a victim during a time when someone else was brave enough to come out is weird timing. Were all the Harvey Weinstein accusations weird after Rose McGowan’s?

Lol. Yeah, this is a total GOP job and has nothing to do with prominent liberals sexually assaulting people.

Moroccans could plausibly have West African, Persian, Italian, Greek, Arab, or even some Northern European. The area has been fairly well traveled in history.

To think, having the audacity to think diversity of thought is relevant gets you fired, but I’m sure the white lady will remind everyone that what really matter is that you look different.

“Undocumented families specifically demand a “clean” Dream Act–clean, as in an act not covered with a bunch of last-minute sticky notes like funding the wall and more money for border security and deportation agents”

It turns out, that when you allow US missile defense systems in your country, we overlook quite a bit to keep our necessary security apparatus.

Bob Taft (Senior)?