That's What You Get

Well God’s wrath had to go somewhere now that He’s cool with Cleveland.

I feel like these signs could be easily repurposed by the Trump campaign for the upcoming Cleveland GOP convention.

I would imagine there are a lot of people that post on Kotaku that were very, VERY young when SMRGP came out; hell some may not have even been born. The reason why this game is held in such high regard, even looking behind nostalgia glasses, is that 1) it’s actually a really good game and 2) this was yet another one

Now when I’m on the train I don’t have to have the volume on my Vita turned to max to tell people I’m playing a “pervy” game. I’ll just pull out my child-sized panty fiber cloth to clean my screen.

How the hell is Curt Schilling not on this roster? I thought he was almost in line for VP?

aaron hernandez will be calling into the convention from a prison pay phone

Isn’t Mike Tyson a practicing Muslim?

I don’t know, I am perfectly okay with the red and blue party system.

Continuing, she told the New Times that if she won, she’d wear appropriate clothing while legislating in the Capitol.

There's going to be a very awkward moment at the convention when Bobby Knight tries to throw the chair that Clint Eastwood is lecturing to.

Tom Brady does have a lot of free time to kill coming up in September.

Vote for me—because I can't!

You know you’ve got quite the list when the rapist is probably the best person on it.

What, no John Rocker?

Could have gone with a Theon theme, but then again something might be missing from the package.

I’m pretty sure Pycelle was taken out so that all members of Tommen’s small council were dead (the rest were in the sept), so that she could form a new council filled with people she trusts (the other maester who is loyal to Cersei was wearing the hand of the queen symbol during the coronation scene as well).

They may be immune to normal fire, but probably not dragon’s fire. Jon shattered one of them with his Valyrian sword in Hardhome, and Valyrian steel was originally made by forging the steel with dragon’s fire. So it’s possible the reason Valyrian steel is effective against White Walkers is because it possesses some

No, no, and more NO. Do not watch this weeks episode. Instead, lock yourself in a room, call in sick to work, and get to binging yo!

His balls where used to summon demons, so he might have some magical powers.

When the dust settles. . . I want Lyanna Mormont on the Iron Throne at the end of GoT.