That's What You Get

Q: Did the mistakes you made when you were a kid involve you shooting a person with a gun? (y/n)

If you have answered “y” for the above question, please report to a local police station and tell them about it. Your past probably SHOULD be haunting you.

(I kinda get whatcha mean though. But she fuckin' killed a guy.)

Murder isn’t some “oh well, kids will be kids” mistake like smoking pot behind the bleachers. She made a conscious choice to take an innocent man’s life.

40 years sounds about right

I didn’t know we lived in a Fashion Police State. Mr. Stylish. Let’s see how you dress. Just cause an old, annoying Bill Simmons looks dumb in an outfit (which he does in any outfit) doesnt mean a t-shirt with an unbuttoned button down is out of style.

#3 I’m a Gen Xer, so I do rock that look from time to time because I am a sad middle aged dad. But man, if I was on a nationally televised show I wouldn’t be dressed the same way I am for a trip to Home Depot.

I would like to talk about the trunks. Look at these damn trunks. They could have smuggled in dozens of better jokes inside these trunks.

Dude, his ego isn’t fragile at all. He knows he’s the best player in the league. He knows what and who he needs to win. He got what he needed and he won.

He definetly sent this to Riley last night:

Again poor 7.7 billionaire not being able to afford that ivory backscratcher and killing his franchises revenue and net worth in the process

Stockholm Syndrome?

I didn’t say Miller didn’t get paid what he was worth. I said everyone else did, because Pat sold them a bill of goods that everybody was sacrificing. Haslem didn’t get market value. James and Wade took less than max for Arison and Pat’s sake. And then when it came time to pay the piper, they chose not to pay. Do you

Stockholm Syndrome doesn’t produce bitterness or pettiness, but whatever you’re feeling sure does.

No. I didn’t want Mickey to do that. I am thrilled he didn’t. Because it brought us to this point. I am just saying that those hypocrites down there who were asking those guys to make less than their market value in order to bring the Mickey and Pat championships cut and ran when it was time for them to pay someone in

Because every coach envisions themselves as being the next Phil Jackson, not the next David Blatt. Give credit to Spoelstra and Lue for realizing that letting a great player make you look redundant is perfectly fine if it gets you a championship.

I’m sort of starting to come to the realization that in all sports there should be two awards Most Valuable Player and Best Player. Shaq for instance has one MVP award but was the most dominant player for a decade. Curry was the MVP this season, but LeBron is still the best, most dominant player on this planet.

I can’t remember who said it after Blatt was fired — I want to say it was either someone with the Heat or JVG — but they made the point that if LeBron is so hard to coach and is such a coach-killer, why do all 30 coaches want him on their teams?

I disagree. A good movie is a movie someone watches and thinks it’s good. Simple as that.

Perhaps if Riley convinced his billionaire owner to sacrifice by paying the luxury tax the year before in order to keep the team together, he could have better convinced a not-billionaire that everybody there was sacrificing. Instead, they traded away assets important to James to avoid paying the repeater tax.

I mean, sure, if marriage had a maximum length of 4 years and was based on performing a certain service in return for compensation that was capped based on revenues of all marriages.

“You’re making the biggest mistake of my career.”- Pat Riley