That's What You Get

To each their own. TBH 5 Guys was a let down when I’ve had it. As a chain burger, I recommend Rain Forest Cafe!

How do you know he’s set for life?

Grown @$$ men shouldn’t wear pants that tight.


All of this utter nonsense is how the GOP deflects our attention from IMPORTANT issues such as Citizens United, appointing a new SC Justice, rehaul in the tax code, enforcement of EPA regulations, public education, keeping Social Security INTACT, etc.

You wanted to leave it was soooooo bad.

Saw two minutes and immediately changed the channel.

So instead of getting buzzed and worrying about snacks maybe your article could have highlighted the fact that at least ONE of the candidates (Pataki) has a firm belief of upholding the laws of the land rather than putting religion above that. He went on to say we can’t pick and choose which laws we want to follow