
Hillary for Hospice 2016!

Hillary for Hospice 2016!

You are so in the tank for her. She could shoot someone in broad daylight on Fox News and you’d have some way to make her innocent (because Faux Snooz!!!).

You got the Parkinson’s part right. She’s an f-ing mess.

However, you did achieve %100 asshole-ishness.

Who brought up ‘manliness’? Seems you have a case of ‘projections’ there, little fella.

Educate yourself. Wild pigs are overrunning the south, southeast and California. They cause billions of dollars in damage and (probably more pertinent to an ignorant fuck, such as yourself) they are non-native and wreck the environment.

The lesbian scored a goal. By definition, it worked.

Nothing says American soccer like a bunch of lesbians kicking around a ball. With 3 people in the crowd.

Mikey Weinstein is an anti-religious bigot who sees offense where there is none. He is absolutely the worst, and combine that with a “fame whore” / “camera hog” mentality, he is corrosive.

A religious bigot who can’t spell. Who would have guessed you didn’t have the brains to work around your own bigotry and be able to spell?

Lack of thinking is something anti-gunners excel at. You’re in your lane, bubba.

Most lesbians have serious mental issues, so you’re not far off the mark.

Sure you’re a diplomat. Because “diplomats” call themselves, “this boys hole” allll the time.

Yes...a “real” diplomat goes on Kinja as “this boys hole”. Sounds about right.

You have no idea how ignorant you sound. You sound like someone who swallowed the liberal self-hate book and sat in a pub for a week complaining about his homeland. Stay over there, if in fact, you actually ever been outside of the country (Canada and spring break in Mazatlan, notwithstanding....).

a lot of that fear being his incompetence

Fuck off. Such cheap comments from a cheap, self-hating American.

That is a story that can’t be made up...I howled!