Sure. If “murica” were called taking responsibility.
Sure. If “murica” were called taking responsibility.
I suspect you’re comfortable calling anyone who disagrees with you a racist.
Who said he was being racist? Seems to me that you and the rest of the butt-hurt brigade brought that up.
All that writing, and you come off like a preachy little bitch. Learn something yourself: people can have opinions. Yours is stupid.
To answer your question succinctly: because he’s a phony, ungrateful little bitch.
Butt hurt, much?
Kaepernick is hardly black. He wasn’t raised that way, but now that he’s come into money and got himself a black activist girlfriend, the money and his upbringing have leveraged into some serious guilt.
Fuck Kaper-bitch.
He’s doing it to proves he’s the blackest man on the field. He’s got white guilt from living a good life in Turlock with his adoptive parents. What an ungrateful asshole he is.
You’re reaching back 45+ years for a parallel? What a mook you are.
What a white knight you are! Would you like a fucking cookie now?
Fuck you for writing while being a dickhead.
You are the bottom of the bucket as a writer. Have your biases, but don’t coat one side as patriotic and all things, All-American because they sit their pathetic ass on the side line while they earn $19M/year and when the other side wants to sit their asses out to display their opinion say their “feelings are hurt”.
Serious question here: why is this a big deal? I honestly don’t get the politics of this?
Spike Lee had a joke about that YEARS ago. He was pissed b/c the white guys were dating all the hot black girls and the black guys thought they had it all going on b/c they had some fat, blonde chick on their arm.
I agree with you. I mean what the heck?
Yep. You turned me. Cunt.
Don’t walk then. You look like a standing asshole, then.
God, you’re a real bitch.
Are you THOT?