I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

First of all, I love book posts/threads, here’s to more of them! (I’m new to AV Club, I came over from One Of The Other Sites).

It’s true! Bound FTW!



Popular hot takes are still hot takes.

I don’t know all of these, but Beals is pretty great.


Hell goes around and around.

I would think it would make you a heau, unless you’re going all-out Whitman.

I think he’s upset that he didn’t even make it to the auditions for the Mermaid bracket.

That never turns out well.

It’s almost like Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

No idea, but the suspense is mildly irritating my skin.

Did we ever find out about the pearls?

Can we just mention books that we’re reading?

It works on so many levels.

Buddhism 101, no big deal.

Seriously, genies have the best theme music.