I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

So basically you like the 80s, that’s cool but what did the rest of us do to you?

Yeah, you vote for the mean ones and you get Disney fairies. Don’t trust the overlords.

I feel like this would lead to a lack of focus.

I think Baby Yaga is a different character. Kinky.

I completely trust the military-makeup complex to comply with our demans with respect to faerie type.

What the hell.

Zukka, I like you, but this is such an incredibly wrong take.

Guys, you can show all the politicians up by buying books that are actually excellent reads.

Interesting hypothesis. I want to see the numbers.

Any similarly good news about the primates? That always tears me up.

So you’re saying that your regular bowel movements can be attributed to eating nachos?

I want you and people like you to win that mythical animal beauty icon thing.

This is a beautiful story and a joy forever.

Seriously, aggressing your asshole is a bad idea.

I like the cut of your jib.

Seriously. I don’t eat meat and it’s like clockwork. I was in a nowhere town in Europe and all they had was meat, and I was like WHAT ARE MY BOWELS DOING? WHAT IS THAT? KILL IT WITH FIRE.

They say that’s how you keep the romance in a relationship.

Wait, you just said something pretty shocking.

Your bowels seem to be in good working order, thanks to your steady diet of nachos, dinosaurs, and girlfriends.

It kind of is.