I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

I never heard it but it sounds like an album from a Peter Greenaway movie, so I’m ok with it.

I hate ‘sammy.’ Some of my close relatives alternate between ‘sammy’ and ‘sammich,’ and they’re pretty lucky that you eat those with your hands because it makes me want to stick a fork in their eyes.

That sounds ful-filling.

This is the best series on the Root. Please keep it up!

That’s a shame.

Television static is unheimlich.

You can’t just pop up and spread opinions like that around here, buster.

Yes you will.

My Stellar Awls.

Walking Dead crossover.

I forgot about that hairdo.

Me too, to no avail.

Homemade cashew cheese or almond cheese is really good. It’s not cheese, but it’s good. I mean, nut spreads, what could be bad.

In this day and age, having spiffy pee is nearly as important as having gold-plated toilets.

Hey let’s not get bogged down in details.

In the future, this post will be more famous than anything by that hack Michelangelo.

Will he?


I applaud your mild response to a noncontroversial statement.

I guess this is the place to put my obligatory lament about the death (and subsequent zombification) of io9.