I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion


This could be my response to everything.

Paper clips are awesome. Someone gave me a pile of papers clipped with one of those giant paper clips, and I was like unreasonably happy.

The actual things on the list are pretty random. Brahms is highbrow? Early Sting? Cormac McCarthy?

Breaking news: juice comes in big bottles.

On the other hand, Tropic Thunder is the best.

I see people are responding to your comment somewhat frostingly.

I dunno, now that I think about it, I know assholes who enunciate badly.

What the actual hell.

I wonder to what extent scrupulous enunciation correlates with being an asshole.

I like the cut of your jib.

Seriously, life is too short for that noise.

Could someone discipline Marvel for hiring artists who have no idea how to draw human beings?

Man, I do that with no shame.

Wait, but were you chugging corn syrup at other times?

I’m not sure that those nuggets are helping his complexion.


So wide feet aren’t correlated with width elsewhere on the body?

I mean, the sarong is a nice image but Kara is wrong.

Megan is the worst.