I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

It really is egregious that they didn’t remind them to take their lunchboxes.

Emily Dickinson wants you to know that partial alliteration is also cool.

Wait, what about the hair?

Just to make it scientific: first you have to demonstrate that they never appear in the same room at the same time (The Clark Kent Principle).

Hi thanks for your nice reply. I would definitely be happy if Amazon were to close down and be replaced by actual stores owned by real people. I would be fine if cars were less complicated, and I would be delighted if most people got rid of their cars. I definitely support technology be put to use to develop cleaner

I have a few dozen anecdotal reasons why I adopted Selective Ludditism as a way of life, but they won’t convince anyone but me, and they don’t have to.

Wait, are we against misandry now?

i’m here for the ludditism!!!

and stop generating metric fucktons of useless stuff that makes no one’s life materially better.

i heart you

everything is interconnected.

This reminds me of that scene in the Color Purple.


excellent kinja

With all my hatred for JJB, which is pretty strong, I don’t feel consoled by knowing that the character met a lousy fate.

The discussion here makes me thing people haven’t been reading Angela Carter.

So much truth in so few words.

where is this from? i’m dying.

Trump’s election was funded by marzipan.