I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion


I’m not sure that ‘left’ is the right term here.

You make an interesting point. Where I live, religious people (in this context) pretty much fall into two groups: those who want to be shielded from anything that might bother them, usually also wanting to ban it for everyone, and those who want to absorb everything. The difference? The former group tend to be less

Claire Danes as she was meant to be.

The last punk rock generation.

I’m bringing Pixies, Jane’s Addiction, and Dinosaur Jr. And maybe Cool Ranch Doritos, but nah, gross.

Come on, this needs more stars.

My takeaway from some of the comments above, abstracting away from the issue of trigger warnings and safe spaces, which might already be too fraught with associations of different sorts, is that there is a need to ensure basic decency in interaction between people, and that this decency is what is supposed to temper

Thanks for the serious response. I’m interested in the scope of this.

I agree with so much of what you say.

Interesting piece, but I think I’m missing the bottom line. According to the pieces you cited, it’s no news that trigger warnings, in their expanded sense, are not helpful (and anyway, not a matter of consensus), and judging from the letter you linked to, the direct actions that the students at UChicago did really did

I agree, I don’t see how someone could be ‘good’ and work for an arms dealer, for example, or belong to a racist organisation. But I think this is more or less limited to voluntary associations and livelihood and not to involuntary associations, like national or ethnic groups.

I don’t really care either way, but I think your analogy is off.

It’s seriously creepy.

Yikes, that’s what I meant :)


Come on, now it’s allowed to treat Sufjan Stevens as early 90s ephemera?

I’ve spent about 80% of this summer in in just underwear. Recommended!

where could we find someone like that here on the internet?
