I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

Seriously, I am still mindblown from the fact that they fired Mark and others and left Casey Chan.

Dinosaur Jr., You’re Living All Over Me on repeat was the soundtrack for a very memorable night.

Hey, no judgement on my part, I asked after all.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

I feel conflicted about Silver Lining Playbook, because some elements of it are really good, but Bradley Cooper sometimes gives off this Master Thespian vibe, and anyscene in recent years with Robert De Niro is just painful to watch. Plus, in the end, it’s just a schmaltzy movie.

laughing out loud, kids curious, refuse to explain

Best comment, for real. I feel like Kelly Faircloth might want to write something about phrenology for our education and delectation.


Now playing

So every time someone mentions cherry coke, I think of this Cameo commercial from the 80s.

It really is.

I thought he was on 90210 but the photo looked wrong to me.

Can someone explain this to me? I’m almost entirely indifferent to Justin Timberlake, so I don’t get the hatred.

People who ride bikes to work are GODS. (My city of residence is in the mountains.)

Of course they weren’t, that’s a terrible way to treat your flippers.

There’s the same issue with ‘falafel’ in Germany: a mountain of cabbage and then something small and brown.

I dunno, I liked her in American Hustle (which I guess no one else did), but maybe I have low standards?

Even less popular opinion (here): Jennifer Lawrence is a terrific actor, and is not overrated.

All Sookies need love.

That is a true statement.

It’s Hipster Hate.