I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

Starred because it’s funny, but you’re wrong.

ultimate frisbee is the new monogrammed thermos.


Counterpoint: the cabbage is the best part of that debacle.

I swim at a local pool (3 minutes walk) that specialises in old people and religious people. But the other local pool (15 minutes walk) specialises in people who are so in shape that it’s frightening. All the men there, even the 45-55 year olds, have that swimmer V-shape thing, and they wear tiny suits.

Horses are the worst, except for people who are into horses. They are even worster.

I did like it! Everything about it is great.

I never saw any, I’m seriously challenged when it comes to current tv shows. I watch like one series a year and even that is exhausting for me. I just started watching Stranger Things and after two episodes I was like I need a goddamn rest, I’ll come back to you in a few weeks.

Man, don’t get me started, I feel like io9 is just a shadow of a shadow of its former self (I am not a huge fan of movies based on comics, so that’s like 80% of its content that’s just a yawn for me).

Are you’re saying that immigration is good? If so, that’s a pretty radical anti-isolationist stance.

But can Lilo say yolo while doing blow and shipping Finn and Poe?

the comments here are hot today

Is that a reference to Bridesmaids, because if it it, hot damn that was good.

Hey, no need to be sorry, it’s the intertubes after all.

I saw something somewhere here about how we shouldn’t use Google and other search engines are better and less 1984y...

I might try this.


That escalated quickly. But it’s nice because it exemplifies Bartholomew’s Law, which says: