I may have lost my burner but that's just like your opinion

old school reference! :)

That is some high level not-engaging, very Zen!

So I’m wondering whether you’re being rude or you just don’t know the meaning of disingenuous, which strongly implies dishonesty or insincerity. I think that it’s one thing to say that mentioning this story wasn’t apt, but there’s no reason to think there is any insincerity behind it.

Dude, we might be in the same karass.

I mean, it’s not something I’m eager to argue about, because this is clearly a complicated issue, and I don’t myself know what I think about it.

Nothing is more 90s than Montauk, unless it’s Southampton, Southampton was the fucking 90s.

David Cronenberg, the best.

So when I lose this burner at some point, I’ll rename myself Graystar, the Semi-Visible Commenter.

Annnnnd metaphors don’t exist by fiat.

Once again, Vonnegut is relevant. From his awesome early short story collection.


This is a thought I’ve had about so many people: their behaviour is so terrible/dumb/whatever, it must be performance art.

Tara, if there are Pulitzers for illustration, you’re a shoe-in. If not, maybe you should think of investigative illustration?

You really can’t go wrong with some vitamins and a little protein.

Shirley Jackson transcends horror. (But I admit that she’s on my ‘women authors’ shelf at the moment, between Kathleen Dunn and Ursula LeGuin.)

I have like one Rothko reproduction from a museum shop, a stereo, and the rest is books because books are the best decoration? I might just suck at decorating.

I saw that in a hotel in Moscow for the first time recently - all the books were the same shade of red and the same level of newness. But when I went to grab one of the books to read while eating breakfast, they were all stupid-looking books. Anyway, massively and on-purposely monochrome bookshelves are weird.

I could see small deviations from author-based organisation. If you had it organised by section, what if you had, say Immortality by Kundera in the fiction shelf but the Art of the Novel on the essays shelf?

I have a somewhat similar system, at least for new books. I have a few bookshelves in the living room, which are mostly thematically organised (books about swimming here, books about or by Marx over there, etc) but one bookshelf is mostly devoted to current reading, so it’s got a big To Be Read Pile where I chuck all

Or if female: