
beautiful trailer... I can't belive I didn't realise the game was coming out so soon! I wasn't planning on having to buy so many games this early in the year =(

@imaximus: Oh and of course Steam... cuz Steam is awesome.

Occasionally Target (good deals) Occasionally Best Buy (cuz im lazy)

@AzmoD3uS: then you were an idiot. I 1st played Mario Bros when I was 3-4 yrs old and I never thought it was magic.

Let me put it this way, I have never gotten rid of/traded in/threw away a game and NOT regretted it somewhere down the line.

@Sterling Archer: Trolololol GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption also have max output resolution of 720p and look just fine

@Sterling Archer: Trololol more? You have no idea what your talking about orrrrrrrrr your just another troll.

@-MasterDex-: It's the same with the other two. What I meant was you wont see that quality of facial movement/animation while actually playing the game, only during the cinematics.

@Sterling Archer: I have no idea why you think screen resolution has anything to do with facial animation, but ok.

I think Heavenly Sword and Enslaved have the best faces... but then those are also cinematics. However I guess R*'s will be cinematics too.

Geez! When do you have time for sex?

"I'm tempted to point to things like Heavy Rain and Demon's Souls as potentially big steps in this direction — certainly neither could really be described as fun."

I don't want Fillion to be in David O' Russel's Uncharted movie.

@Icon57: DS9's pilot is probably some of the best TV you will ever see.

@Icon57: He didn't save it, he molested it, mutilated it, deformed it, and mated it with star wars.

@archronos: And you know just how long the comic is how? It might take an hour to read through the comic... thats a pretty long comic.

I was on the fence about buying it for my PS3 but this I think just made the choice for me!

pointless and unfunny science experiment with an attention whore of a woman trying to get the boys to watch.