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Monster Truck Madness on N64 already did this and it was glorious. They also had a king of the hill mode. I couldn’t find video of the soccer, but I did of king of the hill.


This is exactly what I want to know. I want a hardcore mode SO bad for Fallout 4. I feel like the way NV added it to what was essentially the same game mechanics as Fallout 3 was perfect. Please PLEASE let there be a hardcore mode.

Some Doom purists may disagree with me, but I feel like this is almost the perfect direction for Doom if it’s going to ever be relevant again. I’m 31 and have been playing Doom since I was a little kid. It will always be one of my favorite franchises ever, but I have no disillusions to the fact that it is a bit of a

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Star Trek: Into Darkness? uhhhhh no. More like...

I'm only speculating, but I would think it is more economical to leave it up and change the bulb every so often than it is to take it down. Not to mention it could possibly be retrofitted and be used for something else in the future?

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Best music in WoW (except for maybe Howling Fjord's zone music)

I loved Mirror's Edge mostly just for the style, colors, and music, but also because it was just different. I liked how the gun play was bad. That was part of the point I thought. Faith was a badass, but she wasn't a soldier. Guns had to be there for the realism, but you are supposed to be discouraged from using them

Time enjoyed being wasted is not wasted time at all.

A google search turned up this image of a completely different person cosplaying as the Widowmaker... I think this is kind of absurd and is capitalizing on the gamer/geek/cosplay culture a little to much for my tastes. That said, the cosplay is still damn good, but I have to believe there was a team of costume

Looks like I wont be playing any of those games after all. I was looking forward to FarCry 4 and The Crew... no longer.

Dead Space 3 is in no way a bad game in my opinion. It's just not a great "Dead Space" game. I still liked the story for the most part, I thought they did a good job of creating a bigger threat over all, but again it did lose a lot of what made 1 & 2 great games.

Dead Space 3 is just different, not bad.

But, what happens when Hell runs out of Magenta?

wtf? Are they fighting with Roman Candles?

I want this as a statue

They can, through prostate stimulation... it's fantastic. <_<


Performance art should have a message, and this does, there for it's art. I took the message as... if you smoke cigarettes you are an idiot. How good the art is is a subject of debate and matter of opinion.

lol, you putz. Shut your mouth.

After all this "Winamp back from the dead" talk I feel like I'm the only person left who never stopped using Winamp, never started using iTunes, and never liked streaming services like Pandora/Spotify. I stream some internet radio stations now and then, (through Winamp even) but I pretty much exclusively listen to my