
I recently visited my girlfriend’s aunt, uncle and her nephews - the kids are the only ones who play video games in their whole family so I have a pretty good rapport with them. We’re sitting there chatting about stupid little kid stuff (they’re 9 and 11) and they start talking about bashing Jews and laughing about

exactly. We need to stop to assume animals are stupid just because they’re animals. The internet is proof that most of us have lower IQ than goldfish.

Bullshit... give that chimp 3 more rounds and it’ll figure it out and actually start playing simple games with the Vr... they are smart enough

TNG is probably the most “Trek” show out there (what with the level of influence Roddenbery had on it for years and years), but DS9 is far and away the better television show, for sure. I just can’t gush over how wonderful a show it is to watch. The characters, the themes it explores, the idea that you can’t live in

Of all the Trek shows I have ever watched in my life, Deep Space Nine’s writing was the most... human.

I will fight anyone who says that DS9 isn’t the best Trek.

Last scene in the Matrix trilogy direct guessed it, inside the Matrix ;)

The perk that lets you travel alone was one of the first upgrades I picked. The game is pretty easy already and I hate getting pushed by an ally NPC more than any other bug

Reddit has 164MILLION unique visitors every month. Reddit is full of all sorts of people. Get off the front page and explore smaller subs and you’ll find some of the most intelligent, kind people you’ll ever interact with.

I would absolutely love to go back and play Battlefield 2142 like when it was still popular.

What the hell do you people want from Doom? People moaned when it was said it was too much like Call of Duty and less Doom. now it’s more Doom and people are moaning it looks too “brown” or “generic”

What a close minded prick.

I'd like to send a congratulatory message to Ubisoft on thwarting all those pirates that make their PC games so unprofitable.

You did it, guys! Give yourselves a pat on the back!

Whelp, looks like I'm pirating these games. I hate UPlay more than anything.

I'm a fan of soccer. I play with my friends and I go watch my local sports team (Dallas 'til I die!). I think it's a beautiful game that has so much going on so I'm confused why people say that they can't watch soccer because they think it's boring.

It's art. You may not like it and many people may not think it's "good art", but it is expression, it is art. Sorry Joe.