
lol @ Star Wars fanbois

@Bedlam: I like that alot! Nice thinkin


My cat does the same thing yo the dragon flys on the FarCry2 menu screen

@imaximus: I guess so if you consider Red Dead Revolver, but it is hardly Red Dead Revolver 2 or anything.

@SonOfDad: Red Dead Redemption is a sequel?

This game/mod looks absolutely amazing.

At 1st when I looked at this I thought it was a joke, but then the more I looked into it the more I wanted one. Thanks Kotaku for making me battle my brain vs wallet to justify buying this for one game lol.

@gurfinki: If he is like me, the analog stick is even harder to use than the pad. The analog stick has a full 360 degree tilt radius, and that can effect you steering precision GREATLY. Where as the thumb wheel is only left and right. Kinda like locking your analog stick into only 2 directions.

I'm not sure but I think I discovered Star Trek 1st. I know I remember seeing ST:IV at a VERY young age, because I remember the big whale space probe sounds scaring the snot out of me. But that's about all I remember, so That might not count.

@OTWarrior: Um, no... it is exactly what I said it is, which is a shopped picture snake eyes from the GI Joe movie.

@Hatebunny: Yea they have good plots. I don't know how well the 1st one would hold up graphic wise since it's been out for like 4 years now, but Story wise it's better than the 2nd if you ask me.

@chrismoke: I guess for one of those brainy coder guys all it is is an algorithm to generate the initial game world. Once that's in place the rest is pretty easy actually. It's not like it has (or had at launch anyway) any complex physics or graphics. Everything is cubes and extremely low resolution textures.

The thing this article author's opinion isn't taking into account is Deadpool's violence. He literally dismembers bodies... his own, and other... and often.

@diasdiem: That is a shopped picture of snake eyes from the GI Joe movie, not a production photo of the Deadpool movie.

While they're at it why don't they just give the movie and characters totally different names as to not create any confusion that this is indeed a movie adaptation of a rich and widely loved game.

While they're at it why don't they just give the movie and characters totally different names as to not create any confusion that this is indeed a movie adaptation of a rich and widely loved game.

@corpore-metal: oh god I deal with that every day... I hate un scientific minds.

@phoghat: Carl is never wrong... He simply underestimated... but implied greater.