Trump should present him with the Alternative Medal of Honor.
Trump should present him with the Alternative Medal of Honor.
You mean like the X-Presidents?
McCain never had the support Trump did. So to compare Bernie’s treatment of Hillary to Hillary’s 2008 treatment of Obama is really foolish.
When did anyone disparage that freedom? You are perfectly free to choose a job which does not have a union attached to it.
So if I don’t want to be forced to pay taxes because I’m a US citizen I should be able to opt out of being a citizen but still be able to enjoy all the benefits of citizenship.
Except it’s not, because as usual, the overwhelming majority of Black people voted for the Democratic candidate. 88%. Obama got 93% of the Black vote. So no, the 5% of Black people who didn’t vote for Clinton didn’t lose the election. The overwhelming majority of white people who did vote for Orange did that.
I am a Middle Class elite. I would like a Bonsai tree drive selector. Thank you.
I like this ‘68 Mustang. Looks good. Has an automatic and easy to maintain.
Here’s how I’d campaign in 2020. First, don’t assume ‘data’ accurately measures what it thinks it is measuring. There’s a reason all the social sciences but the INCREDIBLY STUPID Political Science have strongly embraced mixed methods, both quantitative AND qualitative approaches, in their work. Boots on the group…
I wonder how much those polls contributed to the result. Remember when sites like this one absolutely RIPPED 538 for having the audacity to give Trump a 25% chance. They referenced all of the sites that had Hillary with a 99% chance of winning.
Bad polling was the biggest takeaway I saw in the post election break down. She didn’t run a different campaign, because everyone thought she was winning. Even the Donnie’s team thought she was winning.
All this will do is make me hate kittens.
“Who let this 4 in here – wot, looks like rain”
Sure, the Comcast guy was morally wrong for not alerting idiotic drivers that they were going too fast.
It sounds like Comcast needs to have training done by the local power company on safe working conditions in all weather situations and the local, state and federal regulations on blocking traffic.
I am certain that no lineman would have gone up in the bucket truck with the way the road closure was setup. They don’t…
Yep, next month we will get a DOT/OSHA compliance fee of $99.99 per month
I don’t know where this is filmed, but where I live we HAVE to put some form of warning on the uphill/crest of a hill if we are working on the downhill side of it IN DRY CONDITIONS. Even if it wasn’t required, I would flat refuse to work on a crew who was led by a cheif that did not do this. It is safty 101 for the…
The Cavalier was for plebs. Celebrity all the way.