Aaah, the crown jewel of Pontiac’s 1989 line up.....
Aaah, the crown jewel of Pontiac’s 1989 line up.....
Yeah, all this first gen FWD Malibu hate struck me as kinda wierd. I mean, sure, it’s not the finest vehicle to ever roll off a GM assembly line, but I never heard anyone talk about it like is was some infamous pile of junk. Kind of just always assumed it was another run of the mill late 90's GM product....
And you get a new president! And you get a new president! And you get a new president!
True, true. But maybe he’s the exception that proves the rule?
Wow, that is not cool. I’d be tearing the house apart like I was searching for an abducted child or something....
Actually, you sound like my kind of person to take advice from! :)
Please, please...stop. Oprah is great and all but, No more celebrity presidents. Like ever. I never thought I’d live to say this but I want a professional politician back in charge. Not just someone “from the tee-vee.”
E coli is just a Chinese hoax, anyway.
No, no. Those aren’t caustic fumes, my friend. You’re just getting lightheaded from all the FREEDOM!
Point taken, and yes, I was wrong in ‘08. However, Bernie is not Obama. Obama was a young, dynamic, up and coming leader who won against a grouchy, tired old man. I’m afraid with Sanders, the optics get flipped: he looks like a cranky old 60's radical running against a “dynamic, successful, straight shooting business…
Sad to say, but yes. It would be a bloodbath. The same people who turned John Kerry, a decorated war hero, into a cowardly traitor would have an absolute field day turning Sanders into the second coming of Joseph Stalin. Bernie would literally be handing his opponents the bat to beat him with. The whole “commie” thing…
Exactly. I seem to remember that back in 2007/8 the GOP played nice with a young Senator Obama as well......until he got the nomination. Then the “nice” came to a screeching halt.
Government helps you out= Damn freeloaders!
“Honey, Bernie Sanders came by today. He didn’t say a word. He just went down to the basement and grabbed some of your cartoon character stuff off your bed. Then burned it in the front yard! Then he jumped on his bike and just pedaled away! Are you in some kind of trouble? Tell me! Please sweetie, your father and I…
“A female president would bring out all of our hidden misogynists”
THIS IS AWESOME! It’s like you crawled inside my head and found a way to state my rage in a eloquent, intelligent manner. Thank You!
That’s Libruls fer ya! They break in yer house, eat all yer snickerdoodles, steal yer linty pocket change and make yer 14 year old sleep in his own bed! Thanks Obama!
This is why I cringe everytime I read comments about how 2016 is going to be such a cakewalk.......