
a brief moment in which a Black woman throws a foul ball back onto the field with force and distance (thus implying that she could have played in the league, if only...)

This scene always sticks out to me because I vividly remember my mom pausing the tape (this was one of my favorite movies as a kid, I got the VHS for

Before we hear any of the greys talk about how this is ruining those Dems with the ramifications of Clinton....

So, Alan, it turns out that folks weren’t ostracizing you at all those Hamptons parties because you chose to be a mouthpiece for Trump during his impeachment. They were staying away from you because you’re skeevy AF.

DeGeneres herself wrote a letter signed a letter written by a PR flack to the show’s crew this week apologizing to staff and addressing the allegations

Some days it truly feels as though the world is trying to give me a rage stroke. I'm sure I'm not alone.

Exactly! Regardless of whether he technically cheated (I don’t think he did, by the way), he definitely fucked up. You gotta be a grownup and own that shit, my dude. Winning the semantics debate isn’t worth losing your lobster.

Even if “life” begins at conception, it doesn’t thrive at conception. It isn’t autonomous at conception.

The question is should we force people to save the lives of others? The answer is emphatically no when it comes to bodily autonomy. No one’s coming after our blood and organs despite the fact it would save a huge number of lives. A dead person has more rights than a pregnant woman in a pro-life world.

This is just so upsetting. They’ve been doing this for the past few years now, using feminist language in the pro-life movement.

omg came here to say this... who are these people only using 12 tampons a cycle??? how do I train my body into this!

Yeah, who gets away with only using 12 tampons per cycle? 

I’ve been using the Lunette for about 2 years. Great investment and cuts down on so much waste I would have just been putting into a landfill. I use it with a copper IUD as well and it hasn’t caused any issues, plus it’s large enough to accommodate the extra flow that comes with that type of BC.

I’ve started using a cup in the past year or so. I still need to use a pad as backup when I’m sleeping and during the first couple of days of my period, just because I need to empty it that often. My cramps are significantly less with it, too, which I’m happy with.

I wish cups got more attention—so much better for the planet. There is a learning curve for many women. But I’ve been using one for about 15 years now. Keeper then Diva Cup and now Meluna. 3 buys in 15 years ain’t bad. :)

I love my Diva Cup as much as is possible to love a hygiene product that is actually kind of gross. No way around the taking out/cleaning up is messy, but it is so worth it. I swear my periods are shorter by at least two days.

It was Jezebel (mostly the commenters) who turned me on to menstrual cups. I’ve been a user for almost 5 years, and I’ll never go back to tampons or pads. I also recently learned that two of my four sisters use a cup as well!

Most of the brands weren’t even cleared for sale in the US before 2000. These were not products that were sold when I was taking health classes about puberty.

I know a couple women who use them and swear by the diva cup (like, they started discussing it at brunch out of the blue...). I did not know that was a brand until this article but sounds like more women should use them if they’re that economical and environmentally friendly.

I grew up about an hour away from Waskom and I had no idea this town existed. Headline should read: Two small, unimportant towns trying to out Jesus everybody else, failing miserably.

Children when they hit that age are first class trolls.