
It’s like society wants you to have children and then it punishes you for having children and at the same time hates you if you don’t want to have children.

Preach. I was pro-choice before getting pregnant. Going through pregnancy made me even MORE pro-choice. All the shit that went wrong with me and my body, all the shit that stayed wrong with me and my body after Bugs Jr arrived... I mean. Nobody should have to go through that unless they expressly have the desire to.

Once again, for emphasis.

Ugh that’s horrible. I knew she had a shit time being pregnant but I thought it was extreme nausea and other horrendous, but not quite life threatening issues

I thought Kim has placenta accreta and that’s why she needed a surrogate, so she wouldn’t hemorrhage and die.

I got my second tattoo because of this movie. I was 21, and the movie just touched me oh-so-much. I left the movie theater, went down to 6th street, had two lemon drop shots at I think Cheers Shot Bar, then went upstairs to River City Tattoo. I selected a gorgeous Chinese symbol, and put it on my right lower hip.

YES! I’m on #teamkeeptalkingbecauseIliveforpettyshit

I know that everyone is going be all QUEEN TAYLOR, which *sideeye*

That never stopped anyone in the Bible.

I cackled.

Even if you can’t tell him what he’s doing wrong, that doesn’t mean you can’t gaslight him and slowly ruin his life.


A state provides free birth control and finds it works. Then decides they are going to keep doing it. this a practical joke? Is it April 1st? Am I in an alternate universe where a state legislature is doing something smart and progressive? WHAT IS HAPPENING

My boys yell “I hurt my Penis!!!” It’s hilarious to see how horrified the other parents are.

AHHHH MY VAGINA, hahahha...been there. My wife somehow used the term “front butt” as a toddler. Explains a lot :)

For fuck’s sake. As Rando said, she wasn’t talking about anything to do with reproduction. It’s exactly the same as saying the name of ANY OTHER BODY PART BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS CALLED. Good for her for refusing to use some stupid euphamism.

Oh I bet there is some loss of sensation, it just doesn’t mean there is a HUGE loss.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.