
Yes there are indications of early theory of mind in other research. It appears as if ToM slowly develops throughout toddler/childhood. Some researchers argue that the ability to deceive or lie as young toddlers is the development of ToM. It has been linked to executive functioning development and social development

I am also a psyc MA student and I have the same reaction! haha!

I didn't mean to imply that I am waiting for someone to come along and decide to teach me.

I am your terrible friend! Well not actually your terrible friend, but I do the same thing (or lack of things) as your terrible friend.

I agree! I definitely wouldn't describe it as a breakthrough either. They essentially used a different method / measure of the child's response. Instead of a verbal response they used eye gaze. A lot of 18 month olds can talk / point to answer the researchers questions. I suppose the exciting bit is that now that they

Theory of Mind is one of my favorite psychology concepts / constructs! The coolest thing about Theory of Mind (ToM) is how it differs in abnormal populations of people. For instance, kids with Autism tend to develop ToM much later than typical kids, and there are theories relating ToM to people with anti-social

ME TOO! I feel like I shocked many of my friends and family when I got married because typically I am a control freak perfectionist, but I really didn't want my wedding to stress me out. So I had a simple and cheap wedding. Planning it was still the most stressful thing I have ever done... I can't imagine how I would

LOL! Actually my parents (well my mom) was pretty great with the who sex discussion thing. My grandmother wouldn't even let my mom take sex education in school, so it was my mom's goal to make sure we knew what was going on body wise. Especially once we became teenagers.

Both of your comments are absolutely correct! I am also not a cognitive scientist, but I am a psychology grad student, and this is exactly what I have learned. It also makes complete sense when you think about it. Ours brains need to cut corners somehow to process all of the information we are exposed to!

There should be a second COTD that goes to the best comment / gif combo. This would totally be my vote.

Definitely too young for them. I am born in 1989 too and have no memory of listening to their music, (NSync and BSB I was allll over). I did get a NKOTB barbie for christmas one year because my mom couldn't find any non-blonde male barbies at the time. We loved that barbie, he was played with so much his leg fell off

My mom gave me a human body book when I was 5 or 6 that was actually super advanced and had all human body things, illustrations of the nervous system, your genitals, your lungs etc. I was all about science. But that book also explained what STD's were, what condoms were, sex etc. She explained sex to me but I am

I had a similar experience except with bathtub jets! My sister and I were probably 10 and 8. My parents splurged and bought a jacuzzi type bathtub. We had all the jets on and we would play water park with our barbies (pretending all the shooting water were water slides for our toys) while we were taking a bath. Anyhow

Apparently so... I am married, and I would love to have children someday... but at the moment I am in grad school. I would probably get an abortion if I happened to get pregnant right now...!

A friend of my best friends little sister... (THAT was confusing) Starved herself until she miscarried / her pregnancy ended (on purpose). Her friend (my best friends sister) also got pregnant around the same time and had a normal safe abortion like any sane person who wanted to terminate a pregnancy would if they

I got teased for my tiny boobs too... I was mostly just called skeleton and pancake... Called a lesbian though?! Harsh.

AGREED! My new healthy body weight is between 116 and 157.... I weight 125.... I can't imagine what my body would look like at 157 lbs, I gain 5-10 lbs and go up 1-2 pants sizes!

I <3 his freckles too! He is actually named after the philosopher Thomas Hobbes who wrote about psychology and politics. I am a psychology nerd and my husband a political science nerd! We usually just tell people he is named after Calvin's tiger no one usually knows who Thomas Hobbes is! Haha!

Cutest! I just wanna snuggle him (the dog... I am sure your fiance would be a little weirded out)!

Dogs are amazing! Such a great story! They are all so cute!