
"Show us your Squee" is my second favorite thing about Fridays.... Everyone post all of the cute things!!!!! My first favorite thing is that IT IS THE WEEKEND! Here is my poochie Hobbes. Caught him in a sleepy moment <3

I agree with you! Just watch degrassi junior high! It may be fictional but it is a pretty accurate representation of life in Canada in the late 80s early 90s. Those parents were complaining about their crazy dumb generation of kids and whatnot. Ask your parents, I am sure their parents (or your grandparents) thought


Agreed. The lack of distinction was driving me crazy in the article and in all the comments! I would also like to add that if your child is currently misbehaving and you offer a reward for the child to stop misbehaving... that is a Bribe as well, the bribe doesn't have to occur before the behaviour/action performed.

Hobbes's nose freckles are the cutest. I think its funny because my husband is absolutely covered in freckles, so we always joke that Hobbes really is our child ;)


We have absolutely no idea! We got him from a shelter, he was a stray. Any guesses? I found a picture once of a dog online that was a golden retreiver chow mix that looked similar ... but who knows! I am a little tempted to get one of those dog DNA tests because I am so curious but I am too cheap! What throws us off

He is the best!

Bah! What a cutie!

I usually am not a fan of styled dog hair cuts.... but this lion cut is just freakin adorable. I wish my mutt would look good with a haircut like that! Unfortunately he would just look like he had mange or something

I fucking love science! That is all.

I live in Canada, and to be honest I haven't been street harrassed very often and usually only harrassed by teenagers (which doesn't freak me out as much because I feel like I can kick their scrawny asses). Anyhow, the most recent time I was quite dressed up as I was on my way to a grad banquet at university (to be

I can't wait to do this to my future children! I freakin loved warheads as a kid!

I find it fascinating that we use the word 'bullying' or 'teased' when we talk about kids hurting each other, but when we talk about adults we use 'sexual harassment', 'physical harassment' etc.

It is a super good idea about the toy donation.

Thank you so much for the laugh. Hilarious!

Totally. Soooooo excited for spring!!!!!

Agreed 100%! I used to work as a Family support worker, which consisted of providing respite to families with children who had varying diagnoses and implementing behavioural interventions. Working with the kids was ridiculously exhausting I always thought about their poor parents.

I don't remember my parents explaining death and dying to me, but my mom tells this creepy story of my reaction to a cousins death. When I was 3 my aunt was pregnant. Long story short, she gave birth to a baby girl who was brain dead, and they made her an organ donor. Another infant had a second chance at life because

I am with you on everything but Raven's Revenge! We must be from the same generation! Warheads were the most lucrative currency at my elementary school. One of the girls in my class had a grandfather who owned a pharmacy so he would give her boxes of free war heads and she was essentially the queen of all students. We