
As bad as this is, it’s nothing compared to the Texas Youth Football Association, as featured on Friday Nigjt Tykes. They had a kid unconscious — laying on his face, arms at his sides, totally out. A few plays later — back in the game, because Football!

Complaining about the refs, did a uofm fan write this?

Hey Dr. Nick

Dabo: “How’s it look, doc? Can he play?”

How long will the helmets continue to get bigger until defenses start complaining that it is unfairly resulting in targeting penalties?

Pretty sure they mentioned it.


Tony Romo played with broken ribs and a punctured lung, Jordy is being a sissy.

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The answer we were looking for was “helming.”

I dunno if he was “juggling” that pass so much as “helplessly watching it fall out of reach after letting it bounce off his chest.”

Rub some dirt on it, Jordy. We’re talking about playoffs.

Looks like it’s time for a rebuild

Vicente Fox is going to be pissed when he gets the bill.

Clay Matthews probably has a Fathead sitting around that would solve everything.

Better a hole in the wall than in his QB’s head:

To all you future NFL players reading: punch a woman, not a wall.

I don’t see why this wall gets all the attention.

Hard Hitting journalism all around!

Coming soon: 1000 new Packers owners added to finance fix of hole in the wall.