I read a book once. It sucked.
I read a book once. It sucked.
Sometimes I wonder if academia is too far up its own ass when I read titles like this.
You write this woe is me shit about the refs but then you’ll blame the Packers’ upcoming loss on the refs with the “Hosed” headline. Weak shit bro.
I feel like...you may have mentioned that somewhere.
Lucky Deputy!
Oh my god, no. Being born as a certain skin color doesn’t make a person an oppressor. This is just as dumb as saying that being born a human means you are tainted with the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. You’re fucking stupid.
Kontrust: a nu metal, folk metal band from Austria with a Polish front-woman. This is a huge joke.
You just needed to point out that you were asking questions, which you so helpfully indicated by using the appropriate punctuation. “??”
LOL at mansplaining. The entire paragraph consists of questions.
Whatever, they’re just monetizing white guilt and this website basically does the same thing half the time. Which is great. Who cares?
Can you speak to whether or not that money automatically would come out of a check and be earmarked only for healthcare? I want to blow MY money on beer and when I get sick, I want to stick the hospital with a marginally larger bill.
Give ‘em a star!
Well, just keep in mind that not everyone in Texas is a religious nut job because they vote Republican. A decent percentage of them just happen to work in the oil & gas industry because it dominates the state, and don’t want to endure another round of layoffs and lost profits and wages. It’s not just shareholders,…
I know. His skin color!
I mean, certainly you wouldn’t say the same thing if it came to Ted Cruz voting to allow a Dallas, TX based energy company to profit from building pipelines that would hurt minority populations. I mean, he’s just looking out for his state right. Gotta protect his constituents.
Major troll job here. 4/10
More of these, plz.
I oppose letting grown men in tight pants twerk on my television. And I’m not one of these people that will stop watching football because “I feel bad about the players.”
Does this answer the question how do we get black people to want our shoes or how do we get them to pay for them?