
You’re getting some really wordy “THIS IS WHY THE DEMS LOST” bullshit here buddy.

I think MisAndry is totally trolling the shit out this thread.

They are basically the Warriors and get all the KDs.

That would be different from the status quo how??

What rock did you crawl out from under?

Maybe if they weren’t flashy, showboat, nut-kicking children, we could all agree that they are worth our respect.

“Sit your skinny ass down.” You dumb, worthless bitch.




Oh ya, those damn white women and their role in white supremacy. Sorry, I was born 30 years ago and have not attended any klan rallies so shut the fuck up.

You can tell how dumb this “controversy” is how righteous people feel. You, for example. And the entire Jezebel comments section about this article. “Sit down white people.” “We’re all trying to help.” “Blah blah blah” - women, right?

Victim Olympics, commence!

Man Barry, it sucks that you’re the one that got stuck with having to write about sports. Someone is going to have to write about the Cowboys come next Monday, and I know you’re probably hoping the Packers win so you don’t have to write something positive about the ‘boys. But rest assured, Jerry Jones will offer you

Are you fucking retarded or what?

It’s football. Let em play!

There’s plenty of folks that can run fast and catch a ball. Your team still has a shot against my team.

Bro. Bullshit.