
If this was reddit I’d crosspost this to r/shitposts.  What a dumb article.

Which, in all fairness, is probably the reason Steve Jobs kept new versions of iOS and Mac OS X under wraps up until release day, to be shown only to a select group of testers: To avoid clickbaity articles by juvenile bloggers like this.

Pretty misleading headline. Something more accurate would be “I used beta software for my main productivity devices and then was surprised when I ran into bugs.”

Former Big Ten defensive back here (graduated w/in the past 5 years, not some old fart who’s mad that footbaw isn’t played the same anymore) - I really like this rule change by the NFL & I hope the NCAA adopts the same. We all understand that football is an inherently violent & dangerous game, but this move should at

No offense, but maybe the title should have been:

There’s so many lies and false statements in this story it’s crazy. Please, readers, do your own research on these rulings. Don’t just believe what you read here because you’re only getting part of the story. The author is clearly in favor of a larger government role in every aspect of your life, especially your

In my experience, it usually doesn’t happen because “math is hard,” it’s just the default for some people to split it evenly. They may not realize that not everyone has the same financial situation as they do.

I wish I could do crappy job and get my boss to cut me some slack. =(

Yes, as a Special Education Teacher I have no idea how hard it is to work a job.

Why would weekends suck? More people=more tips. I imagine a Tuesday night sucks, cause you get no money

I am doing well to solve my own problems, it’s a bit unreasonable to assume I can solve everyone else’s.

Why should anyone care about it? Can’t everyone just take care of themselves? Why do they need rich people to do it for them?

For all the members of the GOP, especially those that are of color, clutching their faux pearls and saying “this isn’t who we are” I say the fuck it isn’t. Read your own party’s playbook. From the Southern strategy, to welfare queens, to states rights and any other ugly characterization of anyone non white this is who

Maybe humans just aren’t cut out to use driver-assistance systems.

Not a legal resident. Citizens cannot get deported.

That’s only true if one believes a PoC is somehow less capable of conducting the minutiae of their day to day lives.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand contract lounges for budget carriers. The service is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical economics most of the soft product will go over a typical guest’s head. There’s also the lounge’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the

So, idiot wanders into some general space advertising itself as a premium lounge, confuses it with a real lounge, attacks an innocent airline, and it’s great? Awesome.

Oh cool, a guy commenting on baseball who doesn’t know where right field is.