
It isn’t about quality journalism it’s about getting you to click on the article. I did it. I probably have an addiction to garbage articles.

Just because it isn’t in DSM-5 doesn’t mean it wasn’t in earlier versions or that nobody is trying to get it included again. Even if you go to calling it a “control disorder” it’s not like it doesn’t exist or isn’t a problem that people face and just calling it “mental distress” at the end pretty well devalues anyone

Why should someone be ashamed of working in marketing?

The middle seat gets both armrests.

Fuck this shit.

I like how they picked 5 developing countries to sue instead of the major developed polluters.

I didn’t realize France and Germany were still developing countries. FOH dipshit.

The reason they chose those 5 is because they agreed to allow themselves to be subject to hearing legal complaints made against them for not holding up their commitments. That’s why those kids chose to make the complaint. The major developed polluters (particularly the US and China), however, did not sign the

Now it should read:

Yes. That is the way of the autogynephile.

They’re letting you use the computers at the nursing home today?

Gonna guess you don’t have kids, so let me break it down

Follow up lede: do average car buyers care about handling performance?

Uh, no.

“Do you care about performance?” lose 66% of people.

“Do you care about performance other than being able to go as fast on the highway and effectively pass cars?” 85% of people are gone now.

“Do you care about performance other than the engine

I guess when crumple-zones, airbags, and seat belts became standard. Because the average car buyer should be much more concerned about safety than performance. If you read my other more mathematical approaches to emergency situations, you will understand that handling performance isn’t going to help much (if at all)

All the time, and as I mentioned before, the performance of your car in this situation isn’t really going to matter. The stopping distance difference between a Chevy Spark (60-0, 127 ft) is not that different than the stopping distance of a 911 (60-0, 93 ft) considering both cars are traveling 88 ft/s and the human

No surprise that hate speech could be heard on the 88 radio.

Then don’t make it so easy?

Fuck. Thank you. Stupid fucking Trump.

Clearly you are AWARE of these hazards, so drive accordingly.

I’m going to tell you right now, that if you drive responsibly, there is no situation where you should be reaching the limits of handling on any modern car. It’s called awareness while driving.