
Everything you said is well and good... its hard to keep holding the door open for people while they spit at your feet though.

I’ll ditto this. I get garlic smell on my fingertips some time for a couple days and while I love garlic it makes me feel dirty to smell stuff on my hands hours and hours after a task. I own one these steel bars and it seems to work and these “devices” are like $5-10. We’ve all spent more on dumber stuff.

I have average size hands and I just find the max/plus to be too big.  My last phablet was the 8 Plus and I have gone with the smaller size ever since.

This... so much. This is your slam dunk argument, not that he’s wrong but that he’s a moron and a hypocrite. Unless he’s ordering whole chickens instead of chicken breasts, kegs instead of glasses of beer, the full bottle of gin instead of a martini... 

Probably to get a free list of everything that needed fixed.

I kinda hope they do. Round two of “wait, I fucking OWE more taxes because you didn’t actually cut anything you just cut what you took out of my check and I still owe it” would be sweet.

The IRS actually screwed up the withholding tables so this isn’t a “lazy wage worker fails to take any personal responsibility” issue at all.

Company who’s business model was stealing your data in exchange for a service and changed pricing and terms 2x a week was run poorly?  I’m shocked!  I’m not saying these people deserved having their data breached but all the people who thought they were gaming the system by using this joke of a “too good to be true”

What do the people who were displaced by those ostensibly better people do now?  I know it isn’t a popular take but someone is always going to be at the bottom of the economy from an earnings perspective.

Southpark also is doing it ironically...

LOL you didn’t know what a hyoid was two weeks ago. 

The combination of most people believing they are a better than average driver, and car enthusiasts in particular believing they can get themselves out of a sticky situation better than most means they don’t want to hear that in the vast majority of situations, a sports car isn’t going to be any better at preventing

When there are not people with the skills to do a job, how does raising pay help?  Now you’re just paying someone who still cannot do the job more money.

Yes and no.  In most of the spots where I see cars whizzing by the truck, the truck is maintaining distance from the same care in front of it that entire time.  Hard to argue the truck is holding up traffic when its just sitting 30 feet back from a human driven car going the same speed.

ANY system that helps “poor people” bridge cash flow gaps is going to be predatory by nature.  Poor people are 1) vulnerable and 2) legitimately high risk to lenders.  These two factors are exploited as a business model.

This is just a partnership.  GS is the one that has to take the financial risk of people defaulting on their credit card payments.

We live in such an entitled society. People have no self discipline. Remember when Bush did the economic stimulus package where most married couples got a $600 check? Wal-Mart reported a statistically significant uptick in video game console sales. So people were suffering under the burden of a recession and rising

I mean, sure its subjective but Buttermilk is tangier than milk so buttermilk pancakes are objectively tangIER.  You might not taste them and say “WHOA, tangy” but, yeah.

My dad had an 81 chevy 1 ton with a 454.  It seriously barely made 250HP. 

Agree.  This is MY data and they spent decades collecting it and charging me to access it and then lost it.  FUCK YOU equifax.