
Why bother having civil rights if people are willing to just hand them over?

What are your sources for this? If you get it ridiculously hot with no food in it, it is not good to breathe, but other than that there isn’t really evidence to support your statement. This falls into Jenny McCarthy territory.

So, an Apple Watch?

Debt is a tool. Nothing more, nothing less, and definitely nothing philosophical.

Yeah, and with that “pitiful” processor, the mac runs better than windows with 1/2 the resources. That’s what you spec obsessed idiots don’t understand because you’ve never tried it for any length of time. I have them both, Mac os is a far better OS, it doesn’t need the hardware windows laptops need to generate the

I’m gonna go with targeting a market that is now saturated with small sleek tech devices vs. marketing to kids.

Not disclosing sponsored posts anymore?

You must not be friends with many teachers on facebook.

Baby carrots and spinach and stuff come in bags.

It seems waitstaff are about the most butthurt class of workers I’ve ever encountered. Everyone is horrible except them I guess.

Calories In < Calories Out = Weight Loss

But you’ll have to take 2 trips vs. Jason’s one to carry the same load. Who’s happier now? can so many commenters miss the point of this article? Even when the lead-in mentioned truck bragging specifically, you *still* got an incredible amount of butthurt.

The amount of butthurt in the comments sections is hilarious. Also as someone with a small truck that frequently punches well above its weight class all I can say is...

The notch is fine, it doesn’t impede my ability to process information at all and is completely invisible unless the device is in use. The flat tire on an otherwise completely round watch face looked fucking stupid all the time.

As usual, the Android world pokes fun at something Apple does while it figures out how to copy it and eventually embrace it.

This. All day long. These institutions and the people who run them have shown us over and over again who they are. Why don’t people believe them?

"We like our milks and cheeses. We like them so much that they continue to sell despite high levels of lactose intolerance among the general population."

I think it's unnecessary. If you're lactose intolerant, you shouldn't consume it. Just like you would avoid nuts if you were allergic to them. No one's holding a gun to anyone's head and saying "you must consume milk or other dairy products." It's been a part of humanity's diet since we first started tending herds of