
There is no god, and your believe in an imaginary friend should not influence our laws.

An egg would become a human being if given the chance.  Should women be charged with manslaughter for not getting pregnant and shedding the egg with their period?

Playing devil’s advocate (in this instance literally given my political views in contrast to the state of Alabama) take the pregnancy part out of this. If I’m out with my toddler and I pick a fight, just to make this clear cut, like it is absolutely clearly my fault, the altercation wouldn’t have happened if not for


The US isn’t moving, more now than ever. We missed a window in the 90s. Now there is literally a large contingent that doesn’t want to move because ‘murica damnit, we’re not using that commie measurements!

If you don’t want something named something stupid:

LOL you must be new here.

This is one of those “its so cheap it makes me nervous” prepared foods but they’re always so good!

My unsolicited advice and one of the most important decisions my wife and I made was not to keep up with the Joneses specifically when it came to housing. In other areas we’ve splurged but as our income has grown we’ve stayed in a starter house when nearly all of our peers and colleagues have upgraded. We’re both

What’s your point? I sense snark but maybe 20 years on the internet has jaded me. She’s also living in one of the costliest markets in the country so the fact that she has saved a decent amount and more than the average for her cohort isn’t any less impressive just because she likely works in a high paying field,

Well, as they say, anecdote is not the singular of data. Which you’d know if you were really the smartest ;)

God I hope they do the shitty redaction technique where you can highlight the text and read it.

Not sure where you live but in ultra-low cost of living Omaha my 12 and 14 year olds make 12-15 an hour.  $5 an hour is slave labor.

If you don’t have kids its kinda moot.  If you do and you somehow think the average is $16 a day... well, good luck to your kids.

One hour... are you really that slow that you can’t understand these are hourly rates?

Not only can’t they, this guy is untouchable now. They literally can’t look at him sideways. They can’t ask him to clear off the breakroom table. They can’t make him do anything less than 100% of the other officers are required to do.  Source, my MIL had a subordinate in a government job that won a termination

I think I come here because I have had LifeHacker stored as a bookmark bar level favorite for years but god some of the “articles” here are total crap.

I’ve never seen it nor heard of its existence and the headline definitely made me click. I don’t think @Blockheads is out of line here.

I’m curious who is on the fence about Trump at this point. Is that really a thing? I figure literally, not exaggerating, 100% of people are firmly yes or no. If you are undecided, please respond and let me know.