
Probably a 3, aspiring to a 4?

This study doesn’t really specifically address diet but there are two much more widely believed and reported theories... one is that we really don’t 100% know what artificial sweeteners are doing to our bodies. I’m not talking about like Equal giving rats cancer that his been debunked. I’m speaking more broadly. Two,

If removing Coke from your life makes it joyless and soul-sucking, YIKES.

Anecdote is not the singular of data.  Great for those people.  Tens of thousands of people die every year due to obesity related diseases and soda is a huge contributor to the obesity epidemic.  

I used to always respond to the phrase “I don’t believe in credit cards” with “I assure you they exist” until I realized what an insufferable buttfuck that made me.

I got three sentences in and thought “this applies to the exit escalators at World Trade Center and nowhere else in the world”. What a waste of bandwidth to load this “article”.

We live in a world where teaching historical fact that should be indisputable is now viewed as a liberal agenda, so good luck.

Forgetting all the comments about forcing elders to retake driving tests, what are the odds that THIS SPECIFIC GUY loses his license? Hint, its not 100%

Happy medium would be every 10-15 years up until age 65 where it becomes more frequent.  Objective, data based requirements SHOULDN’T be controversial but then half the country thinks climate change is a Chinese plot to drain American economic resources so yeah, we’re fucked.

True story second hand from my grandfather who I trust 10000%. He was renewing his license in Iowa and witnessed an older gentlemen taking the peripheral vision test. The tester gave instructions, put your face in the visor thingy and when you see a light, tell me and say if it is on the right or left. Several seconds

I’ve been in this position and ended up better off. Getting fired was the best thing that happened to me. I’m making 4x what I was making and that is corporate job to corporate job, not like I got let go from Lowes and have an office job now.

The fact that Brie Larson does this exercise isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement.

If this site would let me take all the stars I have ever received and give them to this comment I would.  I think assault for people taking food photos should be allowed.

Dude, this kind of crap is what drove me away from the GOP. Does she hear herself? 99% of people who own a car have no idea how it functions.  Why would this be different?  Hint, its not, but Fox’s job is to give Trumpkins a talking point to endlessly regurgitate. 

Its a shame we can’t have a pissing match that results in people getting a free round of GOOD beer.

Wait is #5 true?  Is she married to a man who blasted her physical appearance previously?

As a reformed conservative (still registered republican out of laziness) it somehow still astonishes me how intellectually dishonest the party’s surrogates are. It doesn’t matter how patently absurd and moronic the argument is, the only expectation is that they make ANY argument against a given topic to give their

But they’re just fish... /s

Game changing would be a 90%+ rate of achieving what you INTENDED. We’re at like 30% and while Siri is worse, all of them are bad.