
Don’t discount the fact that guy #2 (based on the submitter’s description) might have been equally miserable with the conversation and could have been a possible ally in a request to change the topic and lowering of volume. Also, I’m a pretty tolerant guy but one thing I cant tolerate is guys who are “unlucky in love”

WOW, we do not use that term.


I prefer thin patties as well and if you want more meat do a double.  My favorite burger places are all the kind that smash the patty thin.

NO. “It’s a start” mentality is damaging. Because if we ban plastic straws and it makes zero difference it will frustrate and disincentivize people to participate next time.  

There are multiple websites that will show you how this is accomplished.

So essentially, acting in a manner that benefits another nation possibly at the expense of the United States doesn’t even remotely approach the legal definition of treason.

It’s not a fact. It’s a myth.

I could rephrase and simply say 99% of the people who buy these things represents the dumbest trend ever which is really what I was getting at.  Everyone I know who owns one uses it for a 4 hour afternoon of softball to keep bottled water cold.  They could have bought an Igloo and it would have worked exactly the same.

I could rephrase and simply say 99% of the people who buy these things represents the dumbest trend ever which is

These $300 -$700 coolers is one of the dumbest trends ever. I’ve seen scientific tests showing no difference (or maybe a couple hours difference) between a cheap igloo and a $400 Yeti. Same with the $50 tumblers. Stop buying this crap.

These $300 -$700 coolers is one of the dumbest trends ever. I’ve seen scientific tests showing no difference (or

They answered it in the article. Because they are family vehicles. I just got back from a Softball tournament out of town in my wife’s Armada. With three kids, overnight stuff, and softball gear it literally barely fit.  So whenever we leave town we don’t take my sedan.  My wife’s car get’s 2x or more the number of

If this was reddit I’d crosspost this to r/shitposts.  What a dumb article.

and it is not like it is obvious what works best.

This might be the dumbest statement I’ve seen in a while.

I’ve been avoiding a sleep study because I’m afraid I’ll be diagnosed with sleep apnea. I KNOW that is stupid. But I’m a side sleeper with a rigorous toss and turn fall asleep regimen and I’m worried I won’t be able to sleep at all with a CPAP. How the hell do you side sleep with something attached to your face?

You have a right to sell property you own... until you willingly and voluntarily give up that right via a binding contract in exchange for goods or services.

No, the desktop should be BLANK, period.

In town multi-lane roads like you’re talking about are not the issue. I drive down a 6 lane on the way to work every day. There are no left turns, only right-hand exits but the way 90% of the people handle it is the farther you have to go, the farther left you get. Then you move right as your exit approaches. There

Yeah, Semi going 54 and semi going 56 driving beside each other for like 5 miles as they go up and down the “hills” on I80.

All I want is a day with no bickering. That’s it.