
So you seem be taking a position that Bezos is evil for not paying Post workers more but you also don’t want to pay for Post content? You are what we politely refer to as a hypocrite and less politely as a moron.

Average? Probably. Many experienced drivers know to look ahead of the car in front of them: Is traffic far off ahead coming to a stop? What’s the driver in front of me about to do encounter?

I can’t even wrap my mind around how awful this is. Why would anyone want to relocate to America anymore?

Well, do it then. Go get your gun and camp out in a latinx neighborhood and wait for ICE to show up.

I guarantee you more than enough people to provide Hillary a resounding Electoral College victory self-selected not to vote because they were butthurt that she wasn’t liberal enough. So miss me with this crybaby disenfranchisement BS.

This is racist and should be called out as such. Assuming PoC aren’t capable of getting this stuff sorted is just as racist as saying Asians are good at math. Just because YOU think it is a positive or empathetic stereotype doesn’t make it not a stereotype.

That’s not how our system works. It is your right to cast a vote of no confidence by pouting and staying home. That means you get Donald Trump. There was no candidate that represented me either, I fucking voted for Hillary even though she is a corrupt piece of shit.

A crypto currency was recently hacked. Moving voting online is a cosmically bad idea.

I think voter roles are absolutely filled with people who no longer live in that district or are deceased.

Why does anyone assume that poor, old, infirm, non-drivers, without a stable mailing address are overwhelmingly democrats? Is it a tacit acknowledgement that anyone on the government teat likely is?

My analysis, people fucking suck and the internet is allowing people to show their ass more broadly and rapidly than ever before.

I WANT to just assume this guy is a jerk but how long he is looking and how distracted he is comes into question a bit for me given some of the phrasing you highlighted in your post. You have a totally insecure partner that is over blowing the situation on one end of a spectrum and a lecherous pervert incapable of any

No! Not for profit bro. Do you want to pay taxes?

As someone who owns a Mont Blanc, and Lamy 2000, and a few other nice pens, I get that not everyone has that kind of money (nor would they spend it on a pen if they did.) Pens are a mostly aesthetic thing. There are arguably SOME performance aspects but the vast majority of people don’t care. A nice gel or rollerball

Yeah, I have some compassion until you read that 3/4 of people who claim to have a food allergy really don’t. The world does not need to cater to EVERY possible issue that another person can have, most especially when it is made-up, attention-seeking BS.

The idea that no one with a disability should ever be inconvenienced is not practical and is frankly unnecessary. If we ban plastic straws, I don’t think asking someone to carry a straw around in their kit is cruel or burdensome. I don’t have any disability but I still have needs and preferences that I don’t expect

Serious question, why don’t they show a person with a tremor trying to crack the egg instead of what is clearly a middle-aged house-wife comically smashing an egg through the top of the countertop?

Are school administrators literally not allowed to use their brains?

This is the laziness that has infected American schools that makes me despise all school administrators. SOME of the teachers are still OK but god the administrators are spineless sacks of shit.

What about a Mac Mini that isn’t a 3 year old computer being sold at new computer prices?