
I live in a detached house and have a traditional gas grill and a pellet smoker so I wouldn’t go down this path... but, kudos to you for finding ways for people without the space or money for that kind of kit to enjoy these foods!

Once a day? How inept are you?

That’s why they’re not proposing to penalize players but rather the team. The owners can set rules for teams without violating anyone’s free speech. If you kneel and your team gets fined you have no grievance.

We have really poor privacy laws but the police blotter is actually well intentioned but with some negative side effects. The idea behind making it public is supposed to be a protection to the individual. It is supposed to drive transparency into law enforcement practices. Some countries (e.g. dictatorships) have

I’m guessing its not normally a problem. I’ve walked into closed stores and restaurants MANY times in my life. Never was the door locked. Someone said “sorry we’re closed” and I said “ope, sorry” and walked out because I’m not looking to be a victim all my life.

I said most. But thanks for the personal attack.

You actually put fuel in the bottle, not alcohol, and you can just find empty bottles.

Because publishing arrest records is not illegal. Every newspaper does that. The only part that is illegal is the extortion. If they just ran a website that scraped local police blotters and aggregated the results it would be perfectly legal. What we should be questioning is why it is legal for ANYONE to publish

It just furthers my assumption that most post-season series are rigged to go as many games as possible because of the massive amounts of money.

This is like an own-goal of internet comment sections.

FCC comments don’t even remotely try to verify identity.

Is paying off your mortgage early as long as you have no other debt AND you are already saving and investing a bad idea? Meaning is it really ALWAYS better to invest that money and not pay down a low interest, tax deductible loan?

Title: How to Offer Condolences

Going to the gym SUCKS. People sign up with a false sense of hope and no willpower. Going to movies ROCKS. Whoever at Movie Pass thought the model would be similar needs not just fired, but shot.

Yes, there is nothing worse than waiting and waiting and looking across the restaurant (frequently to the bar or maybe at the POS system just inside the kitchen) and seeing the servers just fucking off.

Why would he care if you DID get man muscles? I’m sure you love your father but he sounds like a bit of a troglodyte.

Uh, its actually NOT factually accurate. Or at least not any more accurate than me saying don’t ever move your foot from the gas to the brake without lifting your heel off the floor or you are causing uneven wear on your shoe. Maybe technically true but impractical and unintelligent.

I get that the purpose of this site is to generate revenue through ads, and not to report news but this is especially garbage reporting.

Sure, but the baseline of coping should be what would a human have done. If the autonomous vehicle can do ANY better, that’s just gravy at this stage. Tons of people get T-Boned and do nothing to cope because they don’t see it coming. Maybe an autonomous vehicle’s best move is just to stay course and take the hit.

You’re advocating theft of IP as a money saving tip. You are garbage.