
Because it’s the fucking internet, and if you can’t tell something is fake, you should just keep voting Republican and fucking our country.

most cops impersonate cops every day they’re on the job

it tastes good with lime, and i never get a hangover off it... so i guess thats good, right?

Big pharma = owned, run by white men

I don’t advocate assault, but it’s very telling that you come to the defense of nazis. Do you react as strongly when someone at a Black Lives Matters demonstration is assaulted?

Bro, did you pay any attention to Charlottesville? Did you NOT see all those assholes parading around with swastikas on their arms, shouting slogans from Otto von Bismarck, and fuckwads saying things like “Hitler did nothing wrong”?

nazis should be punched if they’re foolish enough to open their mouths. how and why is this not the accepted norm for nazis now? nazis are bad. sympathizing with nazis is bad. normalizing nazis is bad.

Having competed in Quiz Bowl for years, he’s not wrong. You can only write so many questions about trivia.

Nazis are the ones getting punched. So, yes. Its all good.

Nazis literally tried to kill my grandparents, but luckily the grandparents of other people killed a bunch of Nazis. I’m just fine punching them in the motherfucking face, just like they deserve, as a sign of respect to our grandparents.

Literally, this is literally about people getting pissed off because a video game about killing Nazis has an anti-Nazi marketing campaign. Talking about fucking strawman arguments. Also sorry if you are offended when people who are Nazis get punched, some of us have issues with genocide and holocausts and shit like

Norms: Nazis are bad.

Charlottesville was all about lower taxes and government waste?

Why are you getting defensive about someone shitting on Nazis if you don’t associate with Nazis?

You’re an idiot.

It’s like the guys who were upset about the last couple of Star Wars movies because the villains seemed too much like their favorite politicians...If the bad guys in a film franchise that is thirty years old seem like the kind of guy you like, you’re probably on the wrong side of history.

I’m totally not down with Jake and Elwood Blues saying that they hate Illinois Nazis. And then making them jump into the water! My stars and garters, I was steamed.

I guess the little neo-Nazi snowflakes should steer clear of Inglourious Basterds.

What kind of sub place only has ONE TYPE of cheese? I mean really.