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Fox has the same problem the GOP has — people don’t love billionaires or what they want to do in politics.

Rutger, hauer you so single-handedly destroying these evil bastards? It’s like you’re some sort of historian super hero or something.

Or save them and when you redo the exterior of your house cover it in amazon envelopes!

US laws are far too lenient.”

Welfare = bad; because people need to be encouraged to work

Most republicans are exactly this right now. It isn’t about the country, or making things better for anyone in the long run, it’s about being angry that others are finally achieving some parity with them, and the mistaken belief that in order for them to succeed others (anyone not them) must fail, or be destroyed.

They had those, but it turned out all the people awarded the scholarships were whites in black face, ala soul man.  So they stopped the practice (the scholarship, not the blackface, let’s not be crazy now. Tradition!)

He has been named on Blind Item sites for sexual harassment and assault before. His father is notable, so he will be given chances as long as there are old men with money who loved Animal House. Here is one of those blind items.

An old Probe is about the most fun truck you can have. 

If her explanation was really the reason for her choice of outfit, the jacket could have read “I CARE, WHY DON’T YOU?”

That whole line about it being an attempt to draw media attention to the trip is also some revisionist BULLLLSHIT.

This is one of those beautiful, heart-warming stories in which I fervently hope that everyone involved goes to jail.

I really can’t bring myself to feel badly for Wolkoff, however. At all.

Why does it not surprise me to read that Melania is a terrible friend?  Hmm.

Anyone who STARTS smoking in their 40s needs a RAM upgrade.

admittedly i only read the first 30000 words of this post but holy shit. There needs to be a custom virus that only targets old white men and stat. This is like my dad but with power and money.

I have a “Tea Party Uncle” who pulls the same shit. It’s too exhausting to point out every fabrication, falsehood, etc. he posts or forwards, but I’ll occasionally push back. When I show him it’s false, he gives me the same, “it’s just food for thought,” “just want to further the conversation,” “just shows you can’t

don’t forget “colossally naive and stupid.

Joe Ricketts, a self-made billionaire, has the internal computing power and exact political views of my ex-neighbor George, an alcoholic carpet installer who started smoking cigarettes in his 40's and has 5 DUI’s and a set of trucknutz.