
I am so glad he’s not going to let this go.

Not to mention that even the most cursory review of the comments section over at Stormfront show this is demonstrably untrue.

It really does not make any difference if the camera is on or off cops will get away 28th murder. Just look at today’s verdict in St. Louis, the video shows cop handle bag and the gun has only his DNA. Black man dead. He goes on vacation to figure out his next kill. FTP

Dude has taken as many L’s tonight as the Dodgers have in September. It’s fun to watch.

This is a professional communicator?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you can’t call it a duck because calling something a duck is worse than walking around with a yellow beak and quacking all the fucking time.

Dude, he’s their public editor:

Should be a law that if a cop’s body camera is off and something like this happens then everyone must assume that anything the cop says is a lie.

It’s like if the rules for the board game Clue stated that the game ended when all of the facts (criminal, location, and weapon) were revealed, but you weren’t allowed to state them together in a declarative sentence. In fact, if you did, you’d be automatically disqualified and then publicly raked over the coals by a

If the media didn’t distract us with many things like direct quotations from Trump and political biographies of Trump’s close advisors, then we could get to the facts. Stupid media.

Highly encourage everyone to read all of his tweets tonight. Even more insane than this one

It is so breathtakingly cynical. And just a massive outpouring of long-stoked misdirected grievances.  Someone in the comment thread said she used a “racial epithet”.

I don’t need ESPN to tell me Andy Dalton sucks or that Trump is a white supremacist. Some things are just obvious enough on their own.

If even half the country thinks you’re a white probably are.

Oh please, white people don’t like him either.

Pick one thing that you like. Something you really enjoy doing/reading/playing whatever. Really appreciate how much you like it. How happy it makes you. Wallow in that. Enjoy it so freaking much that nothing and no one can make you feel bad or weird for liking it. Identify that feeling of confidence and security.

I’m sure that’s not the only reason.

“But this is a deconstruction that really makes you think of true love.”