It doesn’t matter how hard you work at something if you’re bad at it.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work at something if you’re bad at it.
Um, men who were/wanted to fuck her literally looked at her and said “She is white and “exotic” looking. She should have a career.” That’s not how it works for other artists. She had a bunch of Black men kissing her ass, teaching her, and pushing her simply because they were infatuated with the idea of a white female…
A decade of work with people who knew what they were talking about telling her that she really wasn’t good enough to do what she was trying to do...not that she was too white to do it, but that she didn’t have the talent and needed to shift focus a little. And still she made it on the charts and still she got paid.
But the success of Fancy had little to do with Iggy. It was the Charli XCX chorus that clicked and is the only part of the song that people remember.
All through this article producers and directors are trying to get her to go pop instead of hip-hop, and when she finally does try to do hip-hop everyone holds it against her that she is white.
This is amazing — thoroughly researched, relentlessly argued and really compellingly written. Thank you for making my morning with it!
He’s a great argument for a higher capital gains tax
It doesn’t really anything to do with intelligence. More than anything, it’s simply about them not caring. They are SO rich, they simply don’t give a fuck about what they say, because they know how few consequences there are when you’re that rich.
Because there’s literally over a century’s worth of history proving it can and does work? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Geezus, I can’t believe this show hasn’t been cancelled yet.
Someone tell him Obama dealt with bigger storms. He’ll have no choice but to say these were the biggest storms ever. Probably bigger than Noah’s flood. A lot of people are saying that.
Experience has taught me that it’s better to know who my enemies are.
I can only take solace in the fact that THIS ignorant motherfucker will probably me flat broke in a few years. . . . . . . . hopefully the one he’s defending will be in jail or a nut-house.
He’ll be too busy campaigning for the election to make a visit. His base probably wouldn’t take too kindly to him praising the end of the Third Reich, either.
“Man, she had a fat ass. You see her ass? I had to squeeze her ass. I had to grab that fat ass.”
It’s one that he lost, but I’m a bit disappointed that the point from the 2005 Montreal final (the first point in this video) wasn’t included. Sorry for the trite cliches, but I truly do lucidly remember it as if it was yesterday, and my jaw really may as well have hit the floor. That was the moment, for me, that…
Reliable sources inform me that Davydenko clip gets even more impressive when the ball is visible.