
This is so bizarrely narrow and specific. What, pray tell, is the “rate” at which the University of Missouri’s Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine accept College of the Ozarks graduates? Why is that your only significant qualification? Would you want a “doctor” from “Missouri” to operate on you? Would you

I partly agree, the whole reason they started using it is the troll-ability of the plausible deniability. And we already know she’s connected to right-wingers, so she supports their Christofascist white supremacist agenda. So getting up in arms over whether or not she made a hand gesture is just a distraction. She’s

If you can get all your cousin-siblings in the trailer park to pitch in similarly for airfare, document fees, and moving expenses, hit me up and I’ll shoot you my Venmo, and I promise I will leave this irretrievably broken country for you MAGAts. Thanks!

lol ok a frenzied response that comes across unhinged and paranoid isn’t exactly what they want or anything. I’m not saying she did or didn’t do it on purpose, I’m saying that this gesture has proven an excellent way for them to troll with minimal effort and flipping out every time one of them flashes it does us no

I think you’ve confused “sassy” with “grotesquely stupid,” honey. 

I mean, n can equal zero. 

Get fucked sideways, clown. 

I never thought I could be more ashamed of America than when I lived in France during the W years. That’s what I get for thinking. 

You could have saved yourself a lot of typing and just said “I’m a Trump supporter” and I would have already known both that you were a racist and that you were incapable of interpreting statistics. 

The woman behind Kavanaugh was a great example of “our” side’s ability to be completely irrational at times. This guy, however, looks like some definite White Power shit; that family straight up grew up wearing Confederate flag diapers. 

It’s really that they actually believe that caring about black people being murdered by police is a divisive issue. These are terrible, evil, willfully ignorant, hateful extremists. White Christian supremacy is their only end. 

I mean, it might be a little bit true. I’m certainly extremely ashamed of America. 

It’s essentially a fake university extension program for home-schooled Jesus freaks. 

I don’t need to know anything but the name “College of the Ozarks” to be completely unsurprised by this. Crackers gon’ crack. 

LOL “metro racist” is a new “you’re the real racist!!11!” that I haven’t heard before. Listen, shitgibbon, “suburban basic” isn’t a race. Also, “the author” literally posted a list, which I quoted in the comment to which you replied, of shoes other than Nikes that your suburban cohort is fond of. Yet again, you can’t

It’s at least partially because white boycotts in America tend to be against things that are part of the inexorable (if agonizingly slow) march of humanity towards betterment. 

people whose shoe wardrobe consists of flip-flops, cowboy boots, boat shoes and Birkenstocks

Yep, it’s all performative outrage for them because they’ve never actually had to be part of a meaningful movement with any substance, so they have no idea how it works.

She has to ride or die, who the fuck else is ever gonna give this one-eyed crackhead a ride?

Which they will then spin to get increased police budget (at the expense of inner city education, natch) for more military toys.