When the police stop being the enforcement arm of White Supremacy.
When the police stop being the enforcement arm of White Supremacy.
And that’s always the case. It’s not the abhorrent worldview, it’s the negative attention that gets something done about it. Which is why we have to be vigilant about these fuckers.
The Republican Party’s central plank is “The rules don’t apply to us, they apply doubly to everyone else.”
Starred, but *actual* assholes are plenty useful. These clowns are about as useful as second-hand dog shit.
How in the world does this not lead directly to #FuckMarcoRubio?
Pretty much all racist white people just assume that every other white person - up to and including God, who is definitely white - is exactly as racist as they are.
I treat babies like dogs: if they seem calm and like they haven’t rolled in too much poop recently I offer a hand and let them make the next move.
That was literally part of one of the later commercials in this iteration.
Pretty sure Planet Fitness has been doing this everywhere for years.
I mean, that’s what the phrase “fuck you money” is all about.
+1 exhausted Mets fan
That’s the “Again” they keep jerking off about.
Those fucking pictures are supposed to be reminders of an abhorrent past we can never return to. Make no mistake, these people absolutely crave the return of Jim Crow, and, eventually, slavery. There is no good to be found in them.
I don’t think it’s a complicated problem. Ignore him. He’s never had much use, anyway.
Her whiteness seems pretty bruised, I dunno.
These people were born with cognitive dissonance impairment.
Nobody wants her horn.
I assume because a fuckton of people want her to die?
Best dollar I ever spent on a record.