That’s an ironclad guarantee.
That’s an ironclad guarantee.
A complete lack of accountability or rational oversight.
Plenty of souls knew, she only got fired because it became public and people outside of UPS found out, which looks bad for the company.
Not to say that he’s not easily the most intellectually lazy person who ever lived, but at this point he and his cabal know that it doesn’t matter in the tiniest to the only people they care about, so why bother? Trump could shit in his own hand on live TV, smear it all over his face while eating it, and then claim…
I don’t even have dual citizenship and I’m trying to get the fuck out of this broken-ass country.
She has supported, enabled, and actively encouraged everything her family has done to society, the nation, and human decency. Fuck her right in her flat, rectangular ass with a pine tree.
Yeah, but even for a donk it’s real fuckin far from “flashy.” It’s not lifted, or barely if it is, the body looks more or less stock, it’s got a drab paint job. White mediocrity combined with white entitlement is a hell of a drug, man.
For some reason I didn’t expect the car to be a donk. Now I’m even more pissed. Donks are hilariously amazing, and I would be driving a dope Monte Carlo right now if I hadn’t been selling a bunch of weed last year when it was for sale ($4500 bucks! bargain of the year!) and decided that, no, I didn’t want to go…
Bishop Ewwwwww looks exactly like the grifting shuck-and-jive-turkey he is.
Every one of em needs to be strung up and displayed for a month in public as a warning to future wannabe tyrants. Every supporter should have their citizenship stripped.
The entire modern Republican political strategy is predicated on instilling a constant (obviously false) sense of aggrieved victimhood in the piss-pants white schmucks who make up their base.
Dead ones. Those are good.
I hope I see this tub of mayo crossing the street next time I’m in Atlanta. My foot just might slip off the brakes.
Nothing that fat useless bitch says matters. He says whatever is convenient at the moment and doesn’t care at all whether it is true, logical, or even germane to whatever is going on around him. And he’ll often say the exact opposite in a day or two. I honestly wish people would stop reporting anything he says. It’s…
I don’t even really understand what Roseanne was trying to say, it seems like she just said, “Let’s see what are the most ignorant, offensive things I can put together that will make the rubes hoot and holler?”
It’s standard practice in Decent Human World, Anywhere, to knock on your neighbor’s door and ask them to turn it down, not call the fucking police. Hell, yelling, “Turn that shit down!!!” is better than calling the pigs.
That’s literally the most considerate possible time, too. It’s the time I allow myself to bump it loud for a couple hours; nobody still sleeping it off, nobody going to bed or sitting down to dinner, it’s literally the time you least have a right to complain, much less call the fucking pigs.
I live in Birmingham, and I take the godawful MAX to work every day. I like the 2018 Civic Sport hatchback with the manual 6, please.
Fuck “drop the album.” Fuck if the album is the best thing you’ve ever heard. Kanye is a rich bitch and his whole branded-within-an-inch-of-their-lives family can get fucked forever.