
This shit. The whole “we just have to wait for the Baby Boomers to die off” mentality is just white nonsense that allows people to not actually change anything.

This. Every gut-churning word of this.

How Crown missed this list I’ll never know.

2nd .pdf is almost entirely expense requests and payment draft requests, all identifying information redacted.

So far the only non-redacted information in the first .pdf is just collected news clippings. Starting 2nd one now.

I mean, I know black outlaw bikers, too. Most white MCs aren’t about violence and drugs, either. There’s a reason those kinds of clubs call themselves 1%ers. The point is that black MCs and enthusiasts are not any different in lawlessness from white MCs and enthusiasts but are being treated as though they are

Everyone named Brant is like this.

Every. Single. One.

I don’t know why we are on a similar “remember this shit?” wavelength, like with The Score a little while back, but I was just the other day bopping along to “I am a true (what?)/ I am a true Fu-Schnick!”

I have been in a car with a white dude driving when exactly that happened. Then the pig starts insinuating that I’m a cause for concern because I’m sitting back keeping my damn mouth shut not doing shit and apparently that’s suspicious.

Yeah, it looks like that because Trump doesn’t make anything but cheap knock-off bullshit. That’s how you know it’s real.

“Las Vegas party planner and lash artist” is just a euphemism for “failed to land a showgirl gig, and quit the strip club (again) last month (for real this time).”

Becky Beckstopherson.

Started? Shit. They’ve been winning it for centuries, now.

A “lash artist” is a stripper who’s pretending she’s quit the pole this month.

It feels like that because it is like that.

No. We are not about to rationalize biased sentencing by saying, “Well the conviction is enough.” Fuck all that.

They might also think the powdered donut residue is cocaine so keep those wet wipes handy.

They are flaunting it at this point. “Look what we can get away with, now, thanks to Trump and Sessions and all the white hoods, even with body cams and cell phone recordings.”

hahahahaha, you are the wooooooooooorst person.