
It doesn’t matter, he’ll probably get hit by a car, anyway.

It took you two days to come up with that? I’d call you a try-hard but you’re clearly not even that. Enjoy your 3rd-tier life!

I have a friend who worked for a major game developer for a long time and he got paid quite well.

If my thought process is so transparent that you just know that I think “New York is the only city in the world,” how do you reconcile that with the fact that I no longer live there?

I don’t live in New York, sweetie. Don’t let that stop you from embarrassing yourself, though. It’s quite entertaining.

Thank you. The “logic” employed here is nightmarish.

I’ll say it again: Texas is what Texas does.

But at least I’m not a Texan!

No, dear, I just look at how completely ineffective all the supposed liberals in those cities are at shaping the state’s policies in any way.

systemic disenfranchisement, voter suppression, gerrymandering, and hundreds of years of oppression, poverty, and exploitation

The simple fact is that “the powers that be” are, in fact, the powers that be in Texas, so that’s what the state is. As I said to the other one in this thread, I’m glad that there are people there fighting the good fight, but surely that first included a realization of just how unbearably shitty the state actually is,

While you’re not wrong that the national party has made some stupid decisions favoring milquetoast centrism regarding Texas candidates lately, without the national party the Supreme Court hearing you touted earlier would not be happening.

I’m 100% aware and vocal about how aggressively shitty the state I currently live in is, don’t worry. I don’t need any “attaboys” for the things I’ve done to try and remedy what I know is a hopeless situation, though, thanks.

So what you’re telling me is that the “Democrats” in the big cities in Texas are colossally ineffective or fully complicit, since Texas continues to do awful, reprehensible shit to women, LGBTQ, PoCs, inmates, decency, humanity, on the daily? Word.

Spectacular. Now how about some real shit:

Except everyone is fatter.

Are you assuming I am going to disagree?

This does not represent my city.

Tom Arnold says a lot of dumb shit.