
No - it’s literally in court Microsoft documented they would make less money making it exclusive then they would gain in Console sales. That argument was bought because most companies do not operate at continuous loss. Even the FTC’s projections didn’t stand up to court scrutiny.

Ok cool, show me all the articles on Jalopnik about all the evil shit Big Oil gets away with.

Thanks for pointing this out. The photo has been updated to show a U.S. Tesla Supercharger.

Musk has a policy that if a Tesla runs over your kid, he’ll father a replacement for you free of charge.

The pedestrian was far enough along the crosswalk that the car should have stopped for them. A human driver may have have accelerated and not stopped either, but that doesn’t make it right.

There’s a sign in front of the crosswalk that says to Yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. 

It’s straight-up illegal. You must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks — as in stopping your car. In particular, if this were a kid, you can’t predict that they won’t suddenly speed up. The purpose of yielding is that you don’t have to deal with the what ifs.

In Tesla’s defense, not running over the pedestrian is technically an improvement!

She’s not fat tho? Like I can't find any depiction of her as anything other than very fit and muscular. Not as muscular as zarya but still strong looking. You don't have to be fat to like food/want to eat a lot

I mean...that would certainly fit the definition of an excuse if he tried to use it. 

it’s landlordism for art. the hungry maw of capitalism will not be satiated until everyone is having their value extracted at every given moment and no one owns anything except a handful of people at the very top. They would make you rent your clothes if it was possible.

I think anyone with in-law drama can tell you it's normal for all the BS to come from one side...

Mars Attacks lost money? I remember that being a hit? Or maybe I just loved it so I thought it was a hit. It’s so good. 

“I don’t need to be in the MCU, I’m Nic Cage.”

If we have access to substantially more and cheaper energy due to fusion, why would it make sense to keep making ICE cars that have emissions and use synthetic fuel rather than use that energy to charge electric cars (with presumably less energy loss than using energy to make fuel to burn)? Just to save money building

More likely, it’ll be the opposite - ICE cars as a niche market for the very rich, fueled by incredibly expensive synthetic fuels. And hey, look, it’s the two EU countries with significant auto industry revenue from exotics/sports and super/hypercars that are pushing for a synth fuel exception. Regular people won’t do

Sony needs tossed in there as well.

I agree with both parties, so let’s get rid of exclusives and force them both to compete on quality instead of bank account size.

I think you might be underestimating how effective this framing is. It might be a transparent effort, but it is still extremely important because Microsoft *is* the smaller player in this market.

So you are saying the PS2 was on top but for a reason, PS3 ended up on top by the end... and xbox fell behind more recently because of themselves so that means Sony hasn’t dominated them? Sounds like you are affirming Microsoft’s claim to me...