
At least it wasn’t a snow normalizer.

it’s an accurate description.

“snow groomer”? Is that the best choice of words?

What’d you expect? The guy to actually admit he was over his head? Humility in tech culture? That ain’t it. 

Carmack’s issues with Facebook were about it’s corporate organizational optimization, not the Oculus codebase. He was using ‘GPU utilization’ as a metaphor.

He explained to some Twitter users that the reason he quit was because he “expected the environment of a startup and found something very different.”

It’s almost as if hacking a PS3 doesn’t necessarily qualify you to completely recode the search engine of one of the biggest social media platforms on the planet.

Surprise, surprise. Sadly he didn’t even manage to learn enough to change his mind about twitter only needing to be “50 people”.

Twitter probably can’t get down to less than 50 LAWYERS, much less 50 employees. Even the idea of only 50 engineers is patently ridiculous. You’re going to need that many people to just

Says one thing, does another weeks later.

Sounds like he learned everything Elon has to teach.

If I wasn’t busy with my real, actual work, I would dip back into that first article announcing George was going over there just to re-read all the dick-riding comments about how this galaxy-brain genius was going to move mountains, just to taste how poorly they aged.

There’s a huge difference between trying to find vulnerabilities in firmware and optimizing a DB script to run .00001 seconds faster. No idea what the guy expected he’d be able to add besides sucking off daddy Elon.

Reuters says Musk didn’t take questions at the end of the event, which is different from what he’s done in the past.

Pretty much agree with most of this, except that I do think Luthen is intrigued in a good way by taking Cassian in. His gamble paid off! I was more surprised that he lived to the end of the season - I figured the net would catch him, and then Cassian would be his legacy to the rebellion. Glad to see I was wrong,

Also gotta love that Brasso got to clock some stormtroopers with Maarva’s Brick! What a send-off. Her actual bodily remains got to punch some fascists.

Maybe it’s like stopping by work on your day off. If you have to be there it sucks, but when you’re just visiting it’s more fun? 

Get PRE, Clear, and Global Entry.  Gamechangers.

Woke Hollywood turning our Hulks into She-Hulks!

You mean, She-Hulk is getting review bombed and trolled higher than LOTR and GoT.

Watching She-hulk doesn’t require note-taking or reference material.

It’s funny that the prequels to the two most popular fantasy franchises came out at roughly the same time and both enraged racists by casting black people.