Dude, PS5 players are mad because Sony is still releasing ps5 games on ps4. Like they need to be stroked and petted constantly to feel good about their purchase.
Dude, PS5 players are mad because Sony is still releasing ps5 games on ps4. Like they need to be stroked and petted constantly to feel good about their purchase.
Back in the 1960's my Grandfather was a partner in a small ruralish Ford dealership. He was a real good ol’ boy from Arkansas transplanted into small town Washington State, who looked, sounded, and acted just like Andy Griffith.
And who works for the dealership. You employ scummy people, their reputation rubs off on you.
I’m sure the PR value they’ll get from this is far above what the car cost them.
It’s clearly a used car. GM dealers are allowed to take non-GMs in trade, yaknow.
Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t (at least in large part) an opportunity for good PR for Frank Kent MC.
Still, motives aside, good on them for stepping in to help out.
It was never as bad as people made it out to be. The things that were not great had to do with the open world design, not with the game being broken. Clearly the state of the last gen ports dragged the impressions people had of the game into a meme.
None of the above. The game has been fixed on PC, though it was always pretty solid—the stupid t-poses and intermittent crashes have been resolved though. The biggest change is that expectations have changed. CP2077 had the hype of a a godgame, and what it delivered was a pretty good game, with notable flaws, but…
Depends on what you run it on. Current gen console or PC? It’s honestly been a blast since day 1, despite a few bugs which were fixed almost a year ago.
On PC at least it’s always been a good to great experience so I’m surprised it had bad steam reviews. I’m not going to pretend the console version weren’t a mess but on PC it felt very “par for the course” bugs and stability wise.
Came here to say this. Last in Education, First to digital wallet. I wonder who’s cousin’s company got the bid for the app.
This article wouldn’t have been a thing if he was driving a Tesla. Supercharger stations have become common enough to avoid this. Generic charging stations are still years behind sadly. So while for your everyday around townage other EVs are fine, Tesla is still the only one you’d want to go road-tripping in. The…
Lot of govt money on the table right now (billions) that Tesla would become eligible for if they opened up their Supercharger network. I imagine they’ll really jack up the cost for non-Tesla vehicles as well, so revenue stream there.
Is this your first day on the internet?
I feel the same way and I’ve got zero sympathy. As someone that doesn’t really care about exclusives, aside from Forza, it’s been a frustrating few years constantly being berated online for choosing Xbox over Playstation because of exclusives. Go figure, now that they’re on the short end of the stick it’s suddenly…
It’s definitely not the silver bullet for simplifying game development that he makes it out to be, but it does make a difference. Xbox Series X and PC games use the exact same graphics API, and they use the exact same SDK. You make a Series X game using the GDK, which also creates a PC game. Yes, you have a lot of…
but Microsoft’s acquisition took dozens of IPs that have been on Playstation for decades and suddenly said “no more.”
Uhh, it’s not an exclusive if it’s available on PC, right? Also, Redfall is not Xbox exclusive, it’s ALSO on PC. So what’s with the whiney tone? When Sony starts releasing it’s “exclusives” on PC, we can talk. Till then, Sony is clearly the bigger sinner here.
I’d rather praise no one. These machines should have a point beyond the games otherwise it’s just a matter of holding game hostages to sell useless hardware. And I’m sure they do, people like consoles for plenty of reasons: Second hand market, less expensive, working right out of the box with no config issue, easy to…
This. Years later I would still pay full price to play the latest God of War on my PC but no dice...Can’t say I feel bad about this.